[Contest] Perfect Matches

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Muschi, Feb 10, 2021.

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    x_FluorescentEllis_x and Muschi like this.
  2. The only thing I have to say, is since you already entered with @Stephy, this entry technically doesn't count!
    Nate likes this.
  3. Aaaaaa if he wants to use that you could switch my entry to me and Adri? 😩😂 sorry
  4. Ion wanna be a reason nothan can’t participate lmao
  5. makes no diff to me haha either way is fine
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    Funny story as to how I met my now rs @Anonymous_69420 so I was farming someone at the time and I had to leave my home club cause they weren't sfw friendly and I was clubless🥲✋well more like my alt was, anyways I was checking for lbh to get my drops and I saw him on campus saying they were unlocking cat cafe so I joined to help for a little bit so I wouldn't get them farmed then I asked if they were sfw friendly and explained to them what was happening, I say them cause I didn't just met him, I met two other beautiful souls 😭❤️ but after I explained to them what was happening they started to say that if I needed help they would help me farm the person and while we were joking around one of them decided to hit the person I was farming 🤭which took me for surprise cause I wasn't expecting them to try to help me without knowing me (if you read this you know who you are and I appreciate you 🥺❤️). Back to the story to make it short the person decided to pay cf after asking me to pay her cf because my alt couldn't land very well but with some help she saw it was impossible for me to give up and decided to pay it😌✋ After that I felt asleep(yes I know I'm weak don't judge🥺) and I missed the kitty sad times I know so my now rs maxed my gifts thanking me for helping unlock even though I didn't much🌚 and it was the sweetest thing ever ❤️. Then after that we lost contact we didn't talk or anything until my rs at the time decided to break up the rs🥲 so I went to ask him for help so I could get a new rs cause is a pain in the butt finding one🗿 so we added each other as well as I added the two other beautiful souls I met that day. One day he asked me if I knew anything about how flashes work so I told him I knew some things since I was an admin before and to my surprise he asked me to be one of the admins to help him run the flashes😭✋ I said yes and now he's my friend and my boss although he now calls me boss which I don't know why but it's cute😌 Anyways sorry for the long paragraph but one last thing, even though ATA says we're not a perfect match in my heart we're always be one🥲💘 so ty for staying friends with my annoying ass you don't know how much I appreciate you and I'm gonna miss you whenever you quit but I'll still love you🥺✋
    Devilicious, Muschi and Angelicious like this.
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    We met on pimd almost 2yrs ago. Neither of us looking for a relationship because we were done being hurt. But we gave each other a chance and we went from being 8hrs apart to just an hour apart in less than a year. And now in less than a week we are closing on our home. I couldn’t be happier that you joined my cat club. I love you so much and you will forever be my shining star and my king and i will always be your queen. ❤️❤️
    Muschi and TheSloth2HerPhoenix like this.
  8. I wouldn’t change or take away anything from our journey. Pimd may be a lot of things, but it definitely gets a thank you from me. Because without you, my world would still be black and white.
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  9. Nate and Muschi like this.
  10. You’re the beautiful soul bb💕 and I’ll make sure anon never quits on us🌝 who’s gonna own the harem if he quits???
    -_-BIack-Wldow_-_ likes this.
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    I met my husband @Megatonic 2 years before we joined this game. Married 4 years. We met online and hit it off well. Sure we have our arguments, what couple doesnt? He always makes my days better, raises my self esteem, and taught me amazing things from his culture. Just recently this past October, I lost my cat who's been with me my whole life and hes been nothing but supportive through my grieving. Hes the best thing that's happened to me and I'm so glad to have him.
    Muschi likes this.
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    no story required. just a caveman and her mohawk boyfriend 😩
    Angelicious, Muschi and Anori like this.
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    You make my life bright and worth living. Thank you for being the best friend I could ever ask for.
    Muschi likes this.
  14. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 the best of friends until we croak - or yanno world domination, Day will help us plot & plan 🖤 Ilysm

    Adorabelle likes this.
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    Syn: It’s so hot in here 🥵
    Dentist: You raised the temperature by 25 degrees. Your clothes are making me uncomfortable too, please take them off.


    Bootee, Oath, Muschi and 2 others like this.
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    Me and my rs met here in pimd, we became a really couple shortly after. We've been together for 2years now.

    I know we have a long way to go but know that no matter what game we're playing i will always be your partner/ your number 1 fan

    @Okinawa 💕
    Myce and Muschi like this.
  17. Thank you for taking a nice screenshot for us, bb ♡ now, smile for me!