[QUIZ] Daily Monday Quiz

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Aisling, Feb 12, 2021.

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  1. [​IMG]

    I just wanna say "thank you" to all the people who participated in our "Weekly Quiz". It has first started in pub until we decided to host it in here.

    Special thanks to QUINN, THEROAMINGNOME and BELLE, for supporting us from the very beginning. You guys are amazing! Same goes with SIR, JACE, and CHAN for contributing fun questions! ๐Ÿ˜

    And because this will be the last part of our "WEEKLY QUIZ" I'll make sure that everyone will have the chance to participate!


    Role players where you at? This is your time to shine! Aside from having a chance to win a mod crate, you will have the chance to rp with your favorite friends!

    You will need to form a group of (5) five to participate. Once you have your group, there is only one task left.

    Base on the given theme below, form a different but yet happy ending situation and pretend that you guys, are actually the main characters. It
    s up to you how would you do it, but be creative enough.


    Bashly: You dont have to protect me I'm not afraid. Please dont shut me out again.

    Jace: Go away Bash.

    Bashly: We can head down this mountain together, you dont have to live in fear, cause for the first ----

    Jace: NO! There is no such as first time in forever! We cannot head down this mountain together! I'm not going anywhere.

    Bashly: B-but... the rp-ers, they're already gathered in my wall.

    Jace: Then go. You're life awaits, go enjoy the fun and open your pm.

    So actually that made me cringe. Probably not the best example, but Im sure you get my point.


    *Anyone who fail to stick to our reminder will immediately be disqualified from the contest and to upcoming events*


    • Where to do the RP - You are required to create a GROUP CHAT HERE IN PIMD.
    • But Pimd GC lags too much - Pimd Gc when created the first time is not too laggy. That is why, I advised you to have a script ready first then you create the gc. OR
    • You may EDIT and make it fancy. Just make sure that there is no sign of another third party app.
    • How long should the conversation? Preferably not too long and not to short.
    • Is the 5 Participants required to participate? It is up to you to divide the task to be done. But make sure to have atleast 3 Person present in the screenshot when served.


    After taking the screenshot, you might wanna go to imgur.com and from there, upload the screenshot. Once it is fully uploaded, search for the copylink and you should see the three dots.

    Click it, and select "get share links". After selecting that you should see choices of link. Select again the "Forum BB Code" and copy paste the link here.



    Again, after you decides which movie will you and your friends gonna do, it has to be the ending you need to change.

    The winning team will won (5) crates in total. (1) crate each for their respective members.

    Also I'll try to involved my co-mods for their favorite team.

    This contest will run starting MARCH 15 - MARCH 29 11PM SGT

    And for more questions or clarifications feel free to wall me!


    You might wonder why below topics, are different from what's written in here, that is because, we used to update this thread weekly for different activities!
    #1 Aisling, Feb 12, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2021
  2. ** starts to think random questions **
  3. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    jacesushi likes this.
  4. Letโ€™s go Bashly! ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค
  5. 1 question / person or more?
    Aisling likes this.
  6. @Bashly Love this!!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Best mod ever!โคโค
  7. Here are my Chinese New Year related questions:

    1.When did Chinese starts celebrating Chinese New Year?

    2.There are 7 lucky foods to serve when celebrating Chinese new year, what are those 7?

    -_scarlet_- and jacesushi like this.
  8. This is the first time Iโ€™ve ever participated in a contest so I hope Iโ€™m doing this right ๐Ÿ‘€

    ๐ŸฎQuestion 1๐Ÿฎ
    Besides mandarin oranges, pineapple is a fruit that is also oftentimes used during Chinese New Year, whether in decorations such as pineapple-shaped lanterns as well as pineapple tarts. What is the symbolism behind pineapple? ๐Ÿ

    ๐ŸงงQuestion 2๐Ÿงง
    The colour red is often associated with Chinese New Year as it is used in decorations and red clothing is usually worn to celebrate the auspicious day. What does the colour red symbolise in Chinese culture? ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป
    999andmore, Bimb0 and jacesushi like this.
  9. Here's my questions ๐Ÿ‰

    1. In Wu Shi / Lion Dance , Which color symbolizes Conserving / Healing?

    2. Why's Haircutting Taboo during Chinese New Year?

    ๆญๅ–œๅ‘่ดข pepol โ™กห–
    Cheeseball and jacesushi like this.
  10. Happy chinese new year! ๐Ÿฎโœจ
    Here's my questions
    1. What chinese new year number is this year?
    2. Whats the creature to be scared away using firecrackers during chinese new year?
    jacesushi likes this.
  11. Here's mine โค๏ธ

    Question 1
    In wu shi or Lion Dance, each color represents an element and a direction in chinese compass, Which element does the color black represent?

    Question 2
    A lot of chinese new year desserts have a special meaning behind them, what does Nian Gao symbolizes?

    ๆ–ฐๅนดๅฟซไน everyone โค๏ธ
    jacesushi and Sephora like this.
  12. You can post as many as you can. But I suggest to post one or two
    Sansa and Muschi like this.
  13. Do trivia questions need to specifically be about Chinese cultural practices for the New Year, or can it be about any culture that celebrates Lunar New Year? I know you said Chinese New Year but sometimes that is used synonymously for Lunar New Year despite other cultures celebrating it too, so I figured it was worth double checking to see if the questions could only be about China specifically.
    -_scarlet_-, Nidalee and Aisling like this.
  14. Chinese New year Questions
    in what year did Beijing lift their ban on firecrackers due to angry public?
    What does Qiang Hongbao mean?
    Happy Chinese New Year!
  15. ๐Ÿฎ Here's mine ๐Ÿฎ
    1. Depending on Lunar Calendar , Chinese New Year always fall between?

    2. In China , Chinese New Year is also known as?
  16. I love this idea! Also Happy Chinese New Year ๐Ÿงง๐ŸŽ‰ My two questions are:
    1. As in the myth Nian, what is the reason why fireworks are set off at midnight?
    2. What are the THREE things your zodiac animal decides?

    Good luck to everyone! And Happy Chinese NY! ๐Ÿ‰ โค๏ธ
  17. Questions

    1. What does the red envelpoe with money symobilze?

    2. How many zodiac animals are there?Name them too.

    3. What determines the start of Chinese New year?

    4. What is the name of festival celebrated 15 days after Chinese New year?
    Nepheline_Angelfly likes this.
  18. Here's mine

    Question 1:What does the Chinese New Year Signify?

    Question 2:What is eaten during this time?
    Anori likes this.
  19. When is Chinese New Year commemorated?

    Where happens the biggest chinese new year celebration in the world?

    Write down 3 countries that officially celebrate the Lunar New Year?
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