EVENT πŸ’˜Love on a Budget 🌹

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Feb 2, 2021.

  1. I haven't seen any hunt tasks, are these stories only available in the US cause people always have tasks but I don't (I'm form the UK) also, half our club can't hit these parties and they can't ug to be able to cause club does b2b promos πŸ™ƒ
    Pinkskull likes this.
  2. Hunt tasks should be available to everyone through the phone and xc (extracurricular under the phone icon) on the left of your screen. If not I suggest restarting the app or seeing if your app needs an update.
    Muschi likes this.
  3. The only thing that bothers me about the relationship test and things like that is if you break up with your current rs you lose your anniversary. πŸ˜‚

  4. ATA isn't even in the U.S., why would they make an entire hunt that only Americans can do? 🀣
    Ghastly likes this.
  5. Hi. What is the stat requirements for hitting the premium parties? Specifically :High End and Luxury Brand, so forth?
  6. Around 8mcs? I’ve hear people with 5mcs still fail hits sometimes. And u need higher intell stats to hit the 1st and 2nd bar
  7. 1. 1.5x cash boost on a special date
    2. Main drops like normal hunts
    3. Side drops - gets converted while doing rs test.
    Rate of conversion depends RS compatibility. RS compatibility is random and has to be found by testing.
    Levels of compatibility
    πŸ’˜-2x drops
    😍- 1.9x drops
    😘- 1.75x drops
    ☺️- 1.5x drops
    😊- 1.25x drops
    😬- 1.1x drops
    πŸ’©- 1x drops

    Calculations for Drops conversion.
    πŸ’˜No of secondary drops you have =x
    πŸ’˜No of secondary drops your RS have = y
    ❣️Your point will be (x+y)RS compatibility.
    ⏭️If it is more than number of stacks you have you get the difference. If it is less, your stacks remain same...
    SweetAsYonii, RosaHarp and Muschi like this.
  8. So simply find someone from leaderboard and do a RS test with them. Even if you are not compatible, you will hit the leaderboard...
  9. Hey, do you mind if I add this to the STR thread for people to reference? I'll give ya credit.
    sugarcube7 and drunas like this.
  10. You can do... You were a great help
  11. @Allie-Axe and @Balire figured out the bonus calculation part and I figured out the second part. I think they deserve more credits... πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
    Muschi likes this.
  12. Of course, I'll credit you all. πŸŽ€πŸ‘ Thank you!
    Nabi273 and drunas like this.
  13. 5mcs here, yeah you fail hit not much but some
  14. The casual shoes are a pass for me. The leaderboard avis are very cute as always.
  15. What's the RS test trick?
  16. Buying this hunts furniture! Wall meπŸ’˜
  17. πŸ˜”πŸ––πŸΌ waiting for vday Avi bags/shards tbh
    -lKirin-chanl- likes this.
  18. So how do you get blonde girl avi with basket of roses? πŸ€”
  19. 3rd/4th side quest
    Muschi and Sansa like this.
  20. I don't have any side quests either. And I'm in the US, and my game is updated. After 1.9k rom coms I haven't had any new side quests show up.