EVENT 💘Love on a Budget 🌹

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Feb 2, 2021.

  1. I’ve read this 3 times and I still don’t get the RS side quest. Can someone please explain??
  2. Besides the lack of shard avis the two others there are terrible af
  3. So my friend told me just stick with your current rs. Hit the parties after the party is over then hit reellovesurvey. Make sure your rs hit them reellovesurvey to. She said it should go up. Right now its working for my rs and slowly now going up for me.
  4. Hey ATA this hunt ain’t workin, time to recall
  5. You will get side drops from parties as usual. But those will only count towards the side story once you have transformed them.
    To do that, you need to have an active RS, and both of you need to have side drops from parties.
    And then you need to attack the user ReelLoveSurvey - doing this will show your RS compatibility with emojis, both ways. The best compatibility emoji is 💘, and the worst is 💩. Good compatibility means a nice drop bonus, the more compatible the better. This is why a lot of people have been testing, to find their perfect match (perfect match is 💘 both ways). This system is probably randomized like last year, so the only way to know your match is testing. I don't think stats matter too much.
    Once you fight that profile, it will transform your drops and add the bonus accordingly.

    Basically: collect drops from parties, have a RS who is also collecting, then fight ReelLoveSurvey and you'll progress on the side story.

    I tried to explain at the best of my ability, sorry if it's still confusing!
  6. Hi pimd this hunt made me so sad it caused emotional trauma, im hyperventilating and i might need to see a doctor. Can I please be compensated for the terrible experience you have put me through?
    Puppers, LiesBear, Cain210 and 7 others like this.
  7. Hit reellovesurvey
  8. How does the compatibility work? What does it mean by perfect match? Like stat are close/active?
  9. So I’m Currently Hitting Reellovesurvey And I’m no longer Getting Drops. It Just keeps Saying “this Will Not effect your score” Someone Help Lol
  10. The same thing is happening with me too..i tried sticking with same RS.. switching RS..asking out new ppl..to finding the most compatible one..but still no drops after hitting Reellovesurvey..i hateee thisss 😶😶
  11. ok ok but wheres my shardsss😭

  12. Even though I got 💘💘 both ways, it still didn't add any stacks.
    You explained it very well but the compatibility test itself is confusing.
    No criteria set for what & how could it be a perfect match.
  13. Here:
  14. Your Stack of Cliche Rom-Coms scores won't get any higher than what you currently have if your side story party drop count (Cliche Rom-Coms) stays the same.

    Get Cliche Rom-Coms from partying, and once you get more, hit the survey.
  15. I got exact method to get stacks.
    No of secondary drops you have =x
    No of secondary drops your RS have = y
    Your point will be (x+y)RS compatibility.
    If it is more than number of stacks you have you get the difference. If it is less, your stacks remain same...
  17. RS test me, if we worked well, let's make it perm!! ❤❤
  18. Is there a way to increase you and your rs compatibility?
  19. Is there going to be like shard Avis coming out as well or something?
  20. No, it will be different for each couple so you have to keep looking if you want to find your perfect match.
    Muschi likes this.