
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Jan 26, 2021.

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  1. For a few a few days now I've been making offensive, stupid forum shit. The forums have been dead so I thought if I said controversial shit it would liven up the place but I did it at the expense of my character and myself and that says a lot about me as a person so I understand that many of you don't see me in the best of light in honesty I feel bad about some of the stuff I said which I won't repeat but yall know what it was and I just want to apologize to the forums and the little forum community this community deserves better than mindless controversial shit for the fuck of it and I want to apologize for my behavior there are no excuses for it at all and I promise I will not be saying stuff like that again yall take care now and yeah I do not expect any forgiveness or for anyone to even give me a chance but I do apologize to you all and take care. Also a mod can lock this if you want lol
    skyy likes this.
  2. Not the first one to try, won’t be the last. Discord stole forum activity in ways imo, rip forums
    Guy and RoseMilkTea like this.
  3. If anything, it was nice to see people not agreeing with the controversial opinions. Got a few laughs out of the ordeal. Appreciate the apology, genuine or not. Kinda hard to believe if it is or isn't at the moment, which I'm sure you understand. I'll leave it open a little bit so it can get some bumps.

    It definitely would be nice to see some more forum activity. I'm holding out hope that it becomes part of the tutorial one day so people can get introduced to it right away and maybe it'll get used more.
  4. Woah was def not expecting this. I mean, i knew you were saying shit just to get ppl riled up and stuff but like the apology i mean. Anyway, you could have livened up forums differently and contributed to it in a more positive way but its whatever.

    Forums needs to be more active but spreading hateful posts like that aint the way fam. Do better.
  5. Make games not bulshit
  6. 🤔I hate everything about this thread
    ToastyGhosty likes this.
  7. I mean I forgave Charlie for saying wild shit for years on forums....

    I'm not surprised, trolls pop up everyone once in a while and sometimes it's lighthearted enough to be funny but some people may have taken some of the things you said to heart. I'm glad that I'm the kind of person who doesn't care much over internet peeps opinions so I really feel neutral about it all. Thanks for the honesty doe
    GodTierOni likes this.
  8. King 🥺
  9. these forums are boring af nowadays. we all need to bring attention here.

    i miss having countless people to rip on and "troll." the few people left here are super boring
  10. Acknowledge.

  11. Locking for op.
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