
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Who ever said respect needs to be earned is dumb af respect should naturally be given I deserve it I'm entitled to it and it is owed to me dont gimme none of that respect needs to be earned bullshit I'll disrespect you right back you donut something wrong with people I swear something wrong with society and the society we live in what's this I'm hearing about 70 different genders smh
  2. Some species have over 200 recognized genders.
    Azari, Ghastly and RoseMilkTea like this.
  3. nah
    Atlas and Azari like this.
  4. Interesting. So the same applies to you for others right? If you meet someone new, they don't have to earn your respect, you naturally respect them immediately?
    Atlas, Azari and Ghastly like this.
  5. What species are these?
  6. You know you agree I'm entitled to it I believe
  7. Google exists
    Muschi likes this.
  8. No way really Google exists....
    I asked them The question they should be able to answer it with ease that's a strong statement to make and I want to hear their input on it I think it will b interesting
  10. i only respect those who give respect. Not to those who automatically think they deserve it.

    So far, you haven't shown me any reason to give you my respect.
  11. The boomer energy is intense.
  12. Respect should be given until someone gives you a reason to disrespect them. Unless they're your elder. Then you must always respect them, but you're free to avoid them.
  13. So not only are you a sexist misogynistic egomaniac but you're also gonna plant your flag in the "society is wrong for recognizing more than 2 genders" homophobic side of things. Respect is earned not given and I've never met anyone who deserved less respect than you lol. Get over yourself dude.
  14. Trust is earned, respect is given.

    Unless you're a shïtty person who thinks you're better than everyone and they need to earn the right to be treated with respect from you.
  15. Lol you seem to have a big problem with me for no reason at all it's like you take things I say and twist them in your mind to find a reason to try and dislike me I'm none of the things you say about me you planted a delusion in your head about me with nothing to even back it up lol

  16. Nah I don't. I don't expect people I don't know to respect me as I haven't given them a reason to do lol only people with giant egos demand the respect of people who don't know them.
  17. Kaboom

  18. I don't have to twist them you do it yourself like constantly. 😂😂😂 if you want to be a troll then take it in stride when people troll you back.
  19. Hmmm so you go around treating strangers disrespectfully? You don't sound like a nice person to be around.
  20. Now I don't personally speak to people a whole lot because for the most part everyone sucks. But I don't see treating people with decency and respecting them being the exact same. You can be a decent human to everyone and not respect them. I don't respect half the people I work for but I don't talk back to them and do as I'm told Because they're my bosses Because it's A. Professional and B. Decent. Being a decent human doesn't mean showing respect to people who you don't know and don't deserve it 🤷‍♀️