Does size really matter?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Jan 23, 2021.

  1. Does the portion size of food really matter Is there a such thing as eating too much or too little do yall eat big meals or medium size meals or small meals and how many meals a day I only eat 2-3 meals a day usually skip breakfast cuz I don't get hungry that early
  2. I eat one big meal in the evening everyday
  3. Yes, but there's a bunch of different factors that are different for everyone. Just because you're shorter doesn't mean you need way fewer calories and just because you're taller doesn't mean you need way more. Metabolism and activity level factors into everything, as well as genetics and your internal clock. So portion size does matter, but there's no universal way of measuring it.
    Azari likes this.
  4. I do calorie deficit diet. But then people think I always eat a lot 😂
  5. Unfortunately this is very accurate. It sucks when you're trying to find the right portion for you and there's no real way to measure it.
  6. Yes it matters. If you eat more calories then you burn off you will gain weight. If you eat the same amount of calories that you burn off you will maintain weight. If you eat less calories then you burn off you will lose weight. How much you put on your plate can be a huge part of that
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.
  7. That sounds sus af
  8. How do you do it and how big is this meal
  9. Oh hey, this is my specialty.

    Portion size of what exactly? You can eat a heaping plate of celery or snow peas. You can't eat a heaping plate of cupcakes.

    If you wanna be healthy that is
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  10. Meh it’s all about control... eat if ur hungry.. if you’re not hungry don’t eat
    GodTierOni likes this.
  11. eat until you cant anymore. its a great way of living life 👌 we're only here to die so make life worth it
  12. I just don’t eat during the day 🤠 and the meal is around 1000-1500 calories depending on my mood.
    aidenboo93 likes this.
  13. Portion is like. Protien 1 serve is the size of your palm. For other shit its the size of your fist