False advertising

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Jan 22, 2021.

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  1. Yall need to stop false advertising.... you ain't thick you fat as fuck and ugly dont come at me with: I'm thick no you not you either lying or dumb af not next time I see a fatty who tells me she thick ima gonna break my phone smh do us all shallow bastards a favor and stop lying and playin your momma would be ashamed of you
  2. I'm thicc.

    You can go break your phone now sweaty.
  3. no wonder you need help seducing women.
  4. Sounds like someone's projecting. It's okay if you're fat that's not why you'll never find love it's your whole personality thats made sure of that ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  5. I haven't seen you so I'm good
  6. If I was fat I wouldn't be making this thread lol odd logic you have there
  7. I dont hate women at all nor do I look down upon them so idk where that came from
  8. [​IMG]
  9. [​IMG]

    Right...you don't look down on them at allllll
  10. Lol whatever makes yall feel better about me spitting facts

  11. Who am I to go against nature. A shark is a shark a bird a bird and a cat a cat. Biologically men are physically stronger on average is that sexist now?
  12. whose alt are u
    GodTierOni, LeeJarrett, Azari and 2 others like this.
  13. You don't like women, you just won't say that because you don't want to lose their sexuality when they know you don't like them. You talk about them as if they're objects, made simply to serve and please you. Thick, thin, and everything else. It's all beautiful, my guy.
    Azari, zus and Ghastly like this.
  14. Men are biologically stronger on average โ‰  it's women's place to submit to men.
  15. lmao okay youโ€™re physically stronger and what? In my eyes youโ€™re a pretty weak man in all other areas.
  16. to my beautiful thicc whamens out there ILY and u cute as fuck. ignore this dummy he has the brain size of a walnut
  17. You can take my word on it.

    Go ahead now, stomp that shit ๐Ÿค 
    Azari likes this.
  18. I take your word that you a much larger woman falsely advertising thick but no ty
  19. No I im not dummy and fat and thicc are two totally different things one is attractive one isn't one leads to health problems the other doesn't lol simple as that
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