To me a real woman is a woman who listens to her man. Too many trying not to listen to their man but fuck that. If you a man and your woman don't listen to you then you might as well be married to a dude. Ngl I have some of my best thoughts in the shower and more coming soon. what's a real woman to yall?
Women can be real while being single so their relationship to and how they behave around romantic partners doesn't matter. Your answer seems to assume a partnership. Do you think women are only real if they have a man?
I like it when they submit fully. I believe women should learn to submit to men. It's as nature intended.
My guy you don't know jack about men or women so idk why you're out here acting like you do. Women are not accessories to men and guys who think they are aren't men they're children who weren't taught right. You want someone that'll submit to you fully then look down and to your left to get a full view of your hand. I'm pretty sure thats the only kind of relationship you'll ever have. Take some time and grow up and stop trying sound like you're the man because all I'm hearing is that you have an itty bitty cucumber.