EVENT A Campus Carol

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Dec 15, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]

    Who's ready for carols? A ghost from your past has arrived to take you through a Christmas journey until 12 PM PST on Tuesday, December 29th.

    No, that's the wrong Carol.


    We'll always be excited for Christmas in the past, present, and future~

    Pet Styles

    These are available for purchase at varying prices until the end of the event on December 29th at noon Pacific Time. You scrooge, you lose!

    Event Furniture

    All available through the event boxes, Autumn Furniture Box and the Furniture Store!

    Just don't be this guy.
    #1 ATAClaptrap, Dec 15, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2020
    Julyan, unknown-_-21, LRN and 33 others like this.
  2. Oh interesting
    SweetAsYonii and iAdore like this.
  3. I like the skeleton avi
  4. 🌻
    TNT1NA likes this.
  5. Oooh 🀭
    SweetB00 likes this.
  6. What lovely avis!
  7. Aviiiiiis
    SweetB00 likes this.
  8. Wowowoow
  9. Ummmmm
    FeFe likes this.
  10. Love the avis! Finally a good hunt ATAπŸ™ŒπŸΌβ€
  11. Box avis are stunning wow
    Danisaur, -Tartaglia, Carrie and 8 others like this.
  12. Really loving the ghostly avis. A bit disappointed in what looks like the base story avis, but not too bad.
    Woes, Carrie, Frieren and 12 others like this.
  13. Them skeleton avis better not be leaderboard i s2g...
    KenaiValentino, Hypnos, Woes and 16 others like this.
  14. naks gising pa hahahaha
  15. You already know they are lol and the other nice ones are box avis...
    Ginnabon, FeFe, heIIbound and 3 others like this.
  16. The furnitures are πŸ₯ΊπŸŒ»πŸŒ» I love itt