Question for ATA

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by xxxSydneyxxx, Nov 6, 2020.

  1. That was way out in the left field from anything I was saying. Incentive, dude. Tis what pvp needs
  2. Well knowing how to pvp is reward in itself. And if you know then you can actually make decent money enough to upgrade. Farming for misc is most people's reward. Tons of entertainment. etc etc. Even sfw can be hella profitable if you know what youre doing.
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  3. I have to laugh
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  4. Hi all!

    I realize that this post was from last month, but I read it and thought I would reach out for some input on the situation below.

    My club has been farmed by one person on eight different accounts for the past two months because a VP got into a relationship with the girls ex. The girl (her alts) asked that the VP leave the club, so she did. Then asked her to break her RS, she did. We are all still being hit. We have tried hitting back, but it’s boring and just not the way we want to play the game (we are also close in stats so it’s hit or miss). We are all blocked by the alts so they clearly have no interest in CF. What can we do to make this enddddd?! I understand that PVP/farming is part of the game but when is enough, enough? 😳🤯
  5. I feel like them having you blocked and thus unable to contact them about a CF agreement is kind of crossing a line tbh. I would send a help ticket and explain the situation in more detail, providing usernames if able. Say that you want to contact them about a CF but cannot due to the block. Other than that, I might suggest using peace tags in the meantime if you have the ECs to spare.
  6. Sadly I have already tried this. Seven tickets lol.

    Today I just asked them if they would have one of the alts unblock me and I was told no, that PVP and farming are part of the game 🤡
    -_Hope_- and Muschi like this.
  7. Send help ticket to ata. Making break rs a cf term is against tou. But like wait it out or deal with being farmed or make a new acc n trade all your stuff to it
    -_Hope_- likes this.
  8. Oof. Okay. Have you or your clubmates tried making an alt or having a friend contact one of the accounts to ask for a CF, or do they just ignore and block those too?
  9. Yes exactly. We have screenshots of us asking for CF on walls and they just get deleted and then we get blocked. This is with alts and mains and even random people occasionally lol.
    -_Hope_- likes this.
  10. We had tried. 7 tickets just from me alone. They said there is no proof that she said that because it wasn’t said in campus, pub, or on a wall and they don’t “monitor” PMs. 🤡
    -_Hope_- likes this.
  11. Sounds a bit shit. Ive reported shit before with screenshots from pms n ata delt with it
  12. sounds tough
  13. Why didn't ATA suggest posting it in imgur... I mean I've seen people send tickets and ATA suggesting them to send imgur links so they could investigate the ss.
  14. please help me to recover my account whe i try to log on it says "multiple alts" it is because i changed device every year reply ASAP.
  15. You should send in a help ticket for more direct help.
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Being on a different phone doesnt change how you log in. But it does say you can only have a max of 10 devices connected to a account. Send help ticket ask ata to disconnect all devices linked to the account
  17. They won’t take any ss of PMs or third party apps.
  18. You had said there were SS of wall posts that had since been deleted, so I would provide those.
  20. I thought not providing cf terms was not allowed... weird.