CONTEST- Cookie Decorating Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Belle, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. How do we submit out cookies?
  2. Thank you 😍
    Ez likes this.
  3. Going home to ice mine rn!! And we post pics here??
  5. Oh wow everyone is so creative here! I wish I had a bit more in the house as time on my hands. You all deserve credits for what you have made 😍😍
  6. Yes you post the pics here.
    Can’t wait to see more cookies, all of them look so good! ☺️
    Brenley5 likes this.
  7. Niiiice ❀️❀️❀️
    lll_Black-Pink_lll likes this.
  8. Omg 😍😍😍 sooo cute cookie with Your sweet avatar.
    lll_Black-Pink_lll likes this.
  9. 😍😍😍
  10. Did any of the above work guys?? I did flagrant flirtations and GO ALEXA! flags for my cookies :)
  11. Can u see mine did I do it right? Lol
  12. If I hold down on the link I can see the picture. I think you need to repost it differently to get the picture to show.
  13. Press and hold on the picture and tap copy url then post that link in the photo bit here
  15. Ahh how did u do that lol ok let me try this again
  16. TADAAAA! lol ty!
    Sansa likes this.