EVENT La Ville Lumiére

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 27, 2020.

  1. Why cats aren't discounted?
    heIIbound likes this.
  2. Can’t buy cats?!!?
  3. Love them avis💖💖💖
  4. *shrugs*
    AcidBurn23 and DemonicBee like this.
  5. I've seen better hunts for less
  6. avi's are so stunning my non-existent cash is screaming rn
    luvhaven likes this.
  7. You can still buy cats and they are 34 ec the price just doesn’t show up💛
  8. Just noticed Tier 2 female is blackpinks Lisa outfits from their tour
    xPeachMamii- and heIIbound like this.
  9. La Ville Lumière
  10. @Kenah lemme know if there's anything you want from this 👀
  11. Blue male and Purple male is switched
    _HeIium_ and Eclairyu like this.
  12. Why does this game treats its players so different?! I invested real money too, yet, I barely received anything needed. Instead, some of them players are showing off their prizewinnings in different apps. And they barely even invest real money. I don’t get it!
    Thamasia and NayleeStark like this.
  13. X5 payout ain't working
  14. Why are we calling the k pop light sticks mics?
  15. Because they’re microphones 🎤
    luvhaven and Phobia like this.
  16. light-crophones (insert finger-guns here)

    but i think these shard box avatars are... dynamite
    Bootee, Ciabatta, Avengers and 4 others like this.
  17. I think it’s time to introduce custom Ava’s! It’s Black Friday and these Ava’s are just not IT 😤 nothing about this years bf is great.. good riddance to PIMD 2020,best of luck for 2021
  18. The pop star avatars aren’t correct... the male one is listed as a purple mic one, hope the stats got switched
    _HeIium_ and -bae like this.
  19. I meant blue is listed as purple btw... this is what I get for posting on forums 😅