Improve the PVP System

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Inimical, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. What is their strength and intelligence?
  2. 20.9 Str and 9.2 Intel
    Also, I appreciate your taking the time for this! I try to read all I can on pvp bonuses, but I honestly feel hopeless sometimes when trying to understand the strange system 😅
  3. Let's say it this way, when they are at half health, there will be about a 50% chance of you winning a defence or attack against them.
    Corgi likes this.
  4. Well, I definitely like 50% more than 20%! Thank you! I tend to forget how key the energy bar is when it comes to effectively defending or hitting in their case
  5. Support.. I remember when I first started playing this game and I was like 14mcs I got farmed by someone over 50mcs because they got kicked out of the club I was in.. they ended up taking almost all the money I had 😂
    Inimical likes this.
  6. I think the brackets should be more reasonable and equal for everyone. Misc was already nerfed so low stat players can't defend against high stat players. If we could have a PVP system where it's like you can hit someone 1.5 times your size and vice versa, it would be fair.

    Regardless of strength and intel, we want a fair, more competitive game. It's not hate towards the Devs, we want to help improve by sharing our thoughts and opinions as a community. Consider it constructive feedback.

    A better PVP system would even make cars more entertaining. More players would want to get involved to compete against each other.
  7. Also, many low stat players end up getting hit when someone with higher stats gets kicked from a club for breaking club rules. There are all types of different situations why the current PVP system is unappealing such as"

    * A person gets dumped and starts farming people in their ex's club for revenge.

    * A person gets curved and farms for nudes.

    * A person perms in a farm club, ends up cfing their items. Afterwards, they start farming players a tenth of their stats to take their items to build up their account.

    * A person farms someone a tenth their stats for nudes or rp... and yes, people really send nudes as a cf. It's a sad case.

    * Someone joins a club that's in sfw. They get hit and can't defend, because the player hitting them can't land on players around their size so they only hit the smaller club members

    * Or maybe a high stat player just wants to take from noobs and collect a certain item.
  8. I have a rough idea for the hit ranges. It goes as the following:

  9. And for mcs players the ranges could be like:

    1mcs - 2mcs
    2mcs - 4mcs
    4mcs - 7mcs
    7mcs - 11mcs
    11mcs - 16mcs
    16mcs - 25mcs
    25mcs - 35mcs
    35mcs - 50mcs
    50mcs - 70mcs
    70mcs - 90mcs
    90mcs - 115mcs
    115mcs - 135mcs
    135mcs - 150mcs
    150mcs - 175mcs
    175mcs - the current LCBC
  10. 🤡🤡🤡
    cyph3r, Kefo and bb like this.
  11. I'm not a clown. This right here is an example of a high stat player... with a mediocre account trying to start something with a smaller account. I haven't done anything wrong to receive her frivolous comment.
  12. Party fairies >> farmers pfft
  13. She's secluded just the bit where you say that smaller accounts never pick fights with larger ones but I don't think that's the case either.

    Punching down is more common because it is usually safer. But people certainly do initiate punch-ups.
  14. Most of the "lower stat players" picking fights with higher stat players are alts. Is that better?

    She should've secluded her detrimental response to herself.
  15. Oho, as a better example for how skewed current pvp buckets are, as a 20mcs apparently I fall into the same bucket as a 111mcs player
    Aimee and Inimical like this.
  16. Bump for 2021
    Inimical likes this.