UPDATE Avatar shards!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. i mean you still have til the 27th to collect lol
  2. I hope they never discontinue peacetags they come in handy when someone farms your club for reasons like not selling because you’re not selling an item or honestly tons of dumb reasons like that
  3. Trading my starred zodiac for Capricorn ♑ k thanks bye
  4. The shards still exist tho. There's a ton floating around in boxes and people's showcases. The activators aren't leaving yet so you have time.
  5. If you have any zodiac leftover to complete my sets, be kind and donate :)
  6. I'm collecting cancer shards. 20:1c
  7. If that’s the case, I’m trading all shards in starred for libra shards! 💕☺️
    Kefo likes this.
  8. If anyone has Virgo shards please gift 💝
  9. Huehuehue! It's hoard o'clock!
    -Mrs_Mis- likes this.
  10. I badly need to get the 2 remaining shards 😞☹️
  11. trading 1:1 zodiac shards !! collecting gemini ♊️ add me if interested
  12. I need Libra
  13. Selling instant Hermès, Hera, Apollo, Zeus, Demeter, and others for 4b! They are going fast so get them while you can. I’d be willing to trade any of my shards for Dionysus tho ❤️
  14. What are those
  15. They were old bags you opened with EC for a chance to get a random avi from awhile back. You can check my showcase I still have all of them I think.
    BEARCRUMBS likes this.
  16. Looking for Libra, Cancer, Hera, and Apollo shards. Will trade for any others. Or if you wanna donate out of the kindness of your heart...🥺
  17. Nah, peacetags are handy especially when someone farms you for not selling certain items and they're trying to be jerks about it 😄💙
  18. Okay but do they teach you to defend yourself properly, or are they just a gimmicky and free out?
    Sansa and Muschi like this.
  19. To be fair, it’s just an item that players can use. No items on game really “teach” players anything.