NEW FEATURE XCs™️: Your Official Guide

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 12, 2019.

  1. Yooo not cool to just leave us hanging with only the xc that u need to spend ecs on😑
    KinkyGothGirl likes this.
  2. Thank you for bringing them back
    KinkyGothGirl and _HeIium_ like this.
  3. So we get it back but the guaranteed box speed ups are gone? Why tho
    -_Adeline_-, CuppaTea and -Geko like this.
  4. just wondering if spotlight xc affected by current hunt system? cause if people won't lose energy when they get attacked, how do we steal spotlight from a big mcs player? someone pls enlighten me :)
  5. Is "Live Fabulously" extracurricular gone? I've only seen Collecathon and Spotlight lately
  6. How does spotelight extracurricular activity work?
  7. The Spotlight is a PvP based extracurricular. To start, you’ll have to be the first player to hit ign: The Spotlight. After, you’ll hit the person who most recently stole The Spotlight.
  8. Thank you so much!
  9. How do you take the spotlight first?
  10. Hit "TheSpotlight" right when the spotlight hour starts, if someone else has taken it first then "TheSpotlight" will be DTW and you will have to hit whoever has the spotlight at the time. That person will be #1 on the spotlight leaderboard.
    TouchingGrass likes this.
  11. If any stats can hit each other during the spotlight event, why am I failing and how will I get the spotlight if I'm failing...
  12. Chances are, you're failing because whoever you're hitting still has a ton of energy. Most people use dns to keep the spotlight.
  13. I think it’s weird how Flash Cc are the best way to make these leaderboards 😂
  14. So into consideration of the comments and the first post; there’s a need to re-officialize the guide 🤔
    Some of the xc mentioned never saw them 😂
  15. Not yet maybe... 👀
  16. is the daily xc from last hunt gone for good or coming back?
  17. I need a list of how many XC there are (or existed) plz and thanks you
  18. You mean the list of the activities
    1. Collectathon Fest
    2. Spotlight
    3. Extracredible
    4. Rate my room

    you should be able to view some of those activities in the icon XC (the one under the phone)
  19. Thanks, the story pass quest had a XC called extracredibles and i was very confused bc i couldn't find it.
    -RVNG- likes this.