What are your plans if your candidate loses? Our plan if Biden wins is to reduce the amount of money we have invested. That's about it. We've lived under Democratic presidents before, we'll survive. Money is just always tighter under democratic control, so we want to free up some capital and be ready to jump on new opportunities as they arise. For example, as gas prices rise, more people sell their cars cheap. I'm gonna get a nice newish car if Biden wins...because I don't believe in car payments. Or perhaps we'll flip some houses when the market drops. Ya know, stuff like that. What's your plans if your candidate loses?
Where'd all y'all antitrumpers go? Do you not have any contingency plans or are you just waiting for pop culture to tell you what to do?
I'm not in America so I don't have a plan. Maybe change up my investments but that's about it. I don't think they are hugely tied to the American market though anyways.