Discussion in 'Activities' started by Ado, Oct 20, 2020.


Are you BRAVE enough to share your fears?

  1. YES! And I'am ready to acknowledge it and overcome it!

    42 vote(s)
  2. Idk. But you know. One step at the time.

    22 vote(s)
    WHEN: OCTOBER 20-26
    Agenda: Halloween is about ghost, dark creatures in the night, unknown and unexplainable things around us that makes us scared. But there are also some things that we are scared of. And we intend to keep them to ourselves. I think we should also acknowledge those fears. And I think, why don't we share those fears?
    Tadhana University aims to encourage players to have courage to share the things that scares them. To acknowledge the fears that they have. For one has told, a person can be truly happy when they have bad memories in their hearts, only then can they overcome it and truly be happy.
    Share your story of the things you are most scared of. Scary things, fears that haunts you and still lingers on your memory that is stopping you from becoming who you want to be. Fears that holds you back. It's time to write it, a small step towards owning it and overcoming it.
    Comment on this thread or send us your entry in the link below.
  2. Support from khalifa 😗
    Ado likes this.
  3. Tyvm! Supporting Khalifa's events too !!
  4. this is the time we're going to express and share our spooky experiences 👻 .
    _Mavis and Ado like this.
  5. Well, you can vent all those spooky fears you have here!
  6. Let's face our fears and speak ♥️
    _Mavis and Ado like this.
  7. Wow, thank you for this. Another event of Tadhana University that I'll definitely participate in. 🥺💕
    WICKED_MIDNIGHTKING, _Mavis and Ado like this.
  8. I do not have a permanent things to fear. But currently, I am definitely afraid of a Romeo and Juliet kind of love story.🥺🥺
    Ado likes this.
  9. Things may be challenging, but I know we can overcome our fears. Thanks for this kind of activity.
    Ado likes this.
  10. Well the thing with fear, it is about what MIGHT happen -not what WILL happen. So pursue your love. You never know.
  11. Wow. Thank you for this chance! ❤️ I really need think about what scares me the most in life that may be stopping me for what I want to be ❤️
    Ado likes this.
  12. There are fears that can hinder us from being the best version of ourselves. However, there's no need to be ashamed of having them, instead, let's do our best in overcoming those fears that are hindering us in our lives. Let's take the first step of conquering those fears by sharing them through this activity.
    Ado likes this.
  13. Spiders. Clowns. Mosketos however the fuck you write it. When in a car n on a hill n cant see over the top of it to where its going. When a fuckwit propr cuts me off almost making a crash (like fuck the fuckwits done it to me so much sinse i started driving its 2nd nature to slam on the brakes n blast the horn) its a 50:50 if i dont react to it at all or if it triggers my ptsd
    Ado likes this.
  14. 🥺🥺🥺
  15. Anony Entry #1

    I know at surface level this seems very childish, but if you think about it its terrifying. Car washes. There is a lot of room in a car wash for someone to hide. To slash your tires. To break your windows. To steal you out of your car. The rollers on the bottom of the floor that dont stop moving. The fact of how dark it is inside of a car wash. The load noise of the washers and the dryers. So many variables that could hide your death. In detail, car washes are terrifying. Don't even come at me for this.

  16. Anony Entry#2

    I have always afraid of what other people think about me.

    -I'm girl
  17. Anony Entry #3

    I'm afraid being alone and in the dark, We never know what will happens when we are alone or in the dark.

  18. Anony Entry #4

    The basic fun things like being alone, being in complete silence in the dark, heights, being a failure, hurting someone unintentionally. I'm not really sure how I would overcome most of these but having more confidence and believing in myself would help greatly I'm sure.

    -Mask off, YOLO. Blisss
  19. Anony Entry #5

    Im scared of deep water that is more than my shoulder (lmao). I never drowned before but idk it is just scared me to have thought of you might get drown and having thought of there are a lot of creatures and animals in the water. Ironically, Im (still) learning how to swim (beacuse of collage club). I never ever imagine myself of learning how to swim! And that makes me kinda proud of myself that i can swim (although Im still scared to go to pool that is deeper than my height). Now, Im challenging myself to go to a deeper pool. At the beginning of the class was tough for me cause Im just too scared of water and I kept thinking about getting drown. But all I need is a good teacher. Thank you so much for all my friends and teacher for helping me!

  20. Anony Entry #6

    Hello, I came to share about my biggest fear lately. The Mimic. First it might sound silly, but I keep hearing/seeing stuff about this "creature" time to time and just when I could forget it, it always creeps back in my mind. So basically they say this thing exists, it's calling you on the voice of your friend, family member, roommate or someone you know to make you go closer and then, I don't know what it wants but it scares me. First time I heard about it it was on reddit, someone told a story about a night he and his mother wanted to go out at night to feed their rabbits. He went outside and heard his mother talking to him in the dark. A bit later his mom came out of the house, that's when he realised it wasn't his mother calling. Comments said it was a doppelgänger/mimic, it calls to you and when you go there it takes you somewhere. Someone said it might be the key of many lost people around the world. They just disappeared to thin air. Other time I was watching the series "Haunted", it's on netflix and tells about real events. It's the first episode. That's when I realised it can even look like the person it's using the voice of. I also realised my friend once in elementary school told me she heard her mother calling her name and when she went out no one was there. Her phone kept turning off and she sometimes still heard her mother calling but she was too scared to check it again if it was her. I'm still trying to convince myself it doesn't exist, thankfully it has never called my name yet. Hope it will stay like this in the future and I can forget it exists again. This is not a popular thing to fear, and it's not like I can't live with it, but there is not a sinlge night when I don't think about it before I go to bed. It was fun to share tho. Hope you enjoyed reading it too. 👻
