Hunt Guesses

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Spider-Girl, Jun 24, 2020.

  1. Ohh so mysterious HAHAHA why they do that 😭
    Lovemiranduh and Shalaylay like this.
  2. No leak this time? 👀
  3. I keep refreshing hoping for something but ATA is being pretty tight lipped...
    Lovemiranduh likes this.
  4. i think they'll do A short hunt - just because it'll fit the Halloween timeline better. But who knows lol
  5. Hunt guesses? A covid hunt ...
    FastForward, HexDoll, Romero and 2 others like this.
  6. 😂😂😂😂
    They could do a hospital bed, hand sanitizer on the nightstand, a medicine cabinet, and a door to the operating room as the 999 😂❤️
  7. Any clue what next hunt is looks like everyone is just guessing right now
  8. I know it definitely won’t be a covid hunt. Maybe something predictable like Halloween/fall or like back to school
    FastForward, Ellyse and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  9. My guess is this is a pre Halloween hunt, they'll have a more spooky one just before Halloween.
    FastForward and taIia like this.
  10. I’m guessing no new hunt update 🤦🏽‍♀️
  11. Dia de lo muerto hunt
    taIia and LeeJarrett like this.
  12. Ugh I keep stalking this thread. Patiently waiting
  13. 👀 hype for the next one
  14. I’m so ready for this hunt to be over 😂
  15. Ugh I got my hopes up
  16. Maybe a 1 week horror-ween hunt, or a shard box with Halloween avatars is what I’m thinking. 🤔
  17. they either be sexy or actually creepy avis, I can’t bare with another dice ava set
    FastForward, taIia and Alicia like this.
  18. Maybe another Halloween hunt, one that’s more Halloweeny 😂
  19. No update yet?? Hmmmm..