[MOD CRATE WAR] Seniors vs Freshmen

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -AKUDOU-, Sep 20, 2020.

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  1. IGN: ImLouMfers
    Stats : 36.2mcs (str : 66.7 mcs / int: 19.9mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  2. IGN: FlareyBrokeAF

    Stats : 92.7 (str : 20.6mcs / int: 72.1mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  3. N: ImLouMfers
    Stats : 86.6mcs (str : 66.7 mcs / int: 19.9mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  4. IGN: ImTheDevilInHerAngelEyes
    6 Year Badge

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020

    #179A moment ago

    STAT: 40.7 Mcs (Str: 35mcs/ Int: 5.75mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules and states for the SF war 2020.
  6. Ign: iSiva_N_IDC
    135.6mcs (100mcs str/35.6mcs intel)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020
  7. IGN: OTE_Jossie
    Stats : 37.9 mcs (str : 26.9mcs / int: 10.9mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  8. IGN: _ImTan_WhO_tF_aRe_yOu__

    Stats: 48Mcs (str: 36.1/int: 11.9)
    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  9. IGN: War-Cutie-_-Naughty-Dreams
    STATS: 65.2mcs (str:35.1mcs/int:30.1mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  10. IGN: Sid

    Stats: 39.9 (str: 10.2/int: 29.7)
    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  11. IGN: Kefo
    STAT: 55.3 Mcs (Str: 44mcs/ Int: 11.3mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules and states for the SF war 2020.
  12. IGN: Cute_Annastacia
    Stats : 43.6Mcs ( Str : 32.3mcs / Intel : 11.3mcs )
    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
    Heidilicious likes this.
  13. IGN: Shinazugawa
    Stats : 45.8mcs (str : 35.2 mcs / int: 10.6mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
    STATS: 35.4Mcs (Str: 8.1mcs / Int: 27.3mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  15. IGN: Maximus-T

    Stats: 47.6 (str: 33.8/int: 13.8)
    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  16. I have 3years badge

    IGN -Cioudbee-
    Stats : 65.5 mcs ( Str: 41.6mcs/Int: 23.9mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  17. IGN: Virtuoso
    Stats : 61.4mcs (str : 51.1mcs / int: 10.3mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
  19. IGN: Guapa
    Stats : 30.4mcs (str : 20.2mcs / int: 10.2mcs)

    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020.
    I have read and agreed to all the rules stated for the SF war 2020
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