How to make yourself and your club members safe if one person making your club unsafe?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Iamalesbian, Aug 30, 2020.


How to make yourself and club members safe if one person making your club unsafe?

  1. Get rid of the unsafe person from the club

    18 vote(s)
  2. Or talk with them

    6 vote(s)
  1. Does anyone have any ideas
  2. In a personal opinion, I’d remove the person who makes your club feel unsafe.
  3. it depends, if that member is getting on a sfw politely say he needed to leave and settle it first and dont get anyone invokved
    Iamalesbian likes this.
  4. Just kick, it’s that simple
  5. Say hasta la vista baby
    Iamalesbian likes this.
  6. Kick them? Pritty simple really
  7. Be more specific?
  8. If a person tries to set personal items and things on fire and hurting them
  9. Involve the cops and get a restraining order
  10. Then thats arsen however the fuck write it. Pritty much. Call the cops on them. Again. Simple.
  11. Thanks for all of your ideas and I like your idea @Day