EVENT Heckfire! In My War Dorm!

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAMarceline, Aug 20, 2020.

  1. The numbers provided at the top that say invite doesn’t work in the invite section of the other game?
  2. What if I don't wanna lose my current heck fire account 🥺
    Queen, Cjjx, PoisonCupcake and 2 others like this.
  3. So can we start now or do we have to wait until event is live?
  4. The event is live!!
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Did y’all crash the servers already
  6. My main is connected to my Facebook... And my only email is connected to my alt. Big hecking oof.
    lustylegend and LoveIess like this.
  7. This is... Smh ATA
    OxM likes this.
  8. Oh great example you give 🤧
  9. Asking us to download other apps too? 😂😂😂
    OxM likes this.
  10. The link didn't work im in some random realm
  11. Is the “ata id” just the email you use for pimd
    Viking_Jade likes this.
  12. I don’t think ur link worked 🦦
    Bunni_B and Oopsgottablast like this.
  13. So ATA id is the same email I use on my pimd account??
    Viking_Jade and Tiramisu like this.
  14. How can I be sure I’m in the PIMD realm the links don’t work so I had to type it in manually
    OxM, Tatt00edBrat, Maha and 5 others like this.
  15. Lol 🤣 I love No3 .... heckfire is dying like the other 5 ata games
    OxM, Bunni_B, Salting10 and 1 other person like this.
  16. The link goes to play store. No link to join a realm
    Muschi, Maha, Bunni_B and 1 other person like this.
  17. How do we know if we are in the right realm?? I followed the links
    Maha likes this.