Yall 🍱 raffles are jokes

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by AnUnknownUser, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. I'm going to start hosting bento raffles since they be making bank off of scamming people 🀣 I'm kidding πŸ˜’

    So someone tell me whats wrong with this...
    Bento Raffle
    πŸ₯‡ - 🍱

    1 chibi for 1 entry
    Total 100 entries

    Or this one
    πŸ₯‡- 3🍱
    πŸ₯ˆ- 2🍱
    πŸ₯‰- 1🍱

    1 chibi for 1 entry
    Max 500 entries

    To everyone who enters a bento raffle like those... Please tell me yall are .... or sumn because-

    I know people are going to be like well they only have 10 max entries so either way they win a bento with only 10 chibis but what if you don't win. What about the dozens of others?πŸ˜ͺ I get it not everyone wins and its a gamble but these are the easiest raffles to not get scammed out of

    If you can sell a bento for 37c or host a bento raffle where you can make 100 chibis so almost 3 bentos which would you do. Yall are literally giving these people free bentos for yall to maybe win. 😬

    If you can buy 6 bentos for about 220 chibis why would yall give them 500? Makes sense. Really it does. For the host not you.😐 You just gave them over 10 bentos why should they care if you win or not.🀣

    Basic math goes a long way.🀧

    I'm not complaining though. I enjoy watching these scams for a reason which I wont say, pm me if you want to know. There is literally like 7 or so raffle organizers that are legit but everyone can be one and everyone can scam.πŸ€“

    Good luck to yall I may just host one for the fun of it itll be...

    πŸ₯‡- 2🍱
    1 chibi per entry
    1000 max entries

    A little tent talk (ted/rant talk no ok then)... was going to post this somewhere else and post something else about this topic but um... I'm not... whether you care or not, I don't... Post what you think or not I dont care I most likely won't respond because I'll forget I made this so yea πŸ˜ͺ🀧

    Last thing...
    Anyone remember when raffles weren't for making a profit off of because I don't which is why I never enter them 😌🀭
  2. Ive never done them anyway coz always seemed like a rip off
    Majima_Goro likes this.
  3. Good job. I hope those idiots see this and stop falling for the scams.
    Muschi, Majima_Goro, ryudae and 3 others like this.
  4. At least someone said it but it won't stop πŸ˜ͺ
  5. I actually do but it's probs been a year and a half since then.
  6. Thank god someone else notices that. I discussed this crap several times with those scam hosters and they defend it with "You just pay a Bento/Chibis and probably win a lot more. Everyone that hosts raffles wants to make profit so why is it scam?" Never join raffles you have to pay for it doesn't profit you st all and is only good for the one who hosts.
  7. Not a scam if they have clear information and give people what they β€œwon”. Does it make sense to enter nooooo. But people enter the lottery everyday on the one off chance they will win big.

    This is the same thing people collectively pay for the prize 100x over hoping to win.
    However, this lottery you can actually save for / trade for.

    The only thing I think of when I see these are people just like to gamble a possible surprise to the sometimes repetitiveness of this game. So they enter πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
    Ballerina and Chrisy18 like this.
  8. That makes it a scam, dingus.

    They aren't people who like to gamble. They're people who are having their poor maths skills exploited for someone else's gain.
  9. Exsqueeze me if I didn’t call you out your name don’t call me out mines. The information is right there you telling me its poor math skills not to be able to read.
    Yes they are being exploited but allowing to if you can clearly see 500 entries and can see the gain the person is getting.

    Have a wonderful
    Day πŸ’œπŸ’œ
  10. Thanks for that explanation of how the scam works. But I prefer OP's version 🌚
    Muschi, Nando and Soy like this.
  11. I realized this when I did the math on it.
    Then was like damn...
    And proceeded to enter the raffle lol (didn't win)

    Seems like it's fine because it's just a chibi or two..but there's like a goal the host wants to reach...so they can get a much bigger profit.
    Which is a scam. Even tho they have the information it doesn't make it less than a PURE Scam.
    Nando likes this.
  12. There's a great account on insta that exposes these type of scams/scammers and how they work (I don't know if I'm allowed to post the username here or not tho)
  13. Message me the @
  14. Ik the account lmao πŸ™ƒ
  15. This is why some raffles now have limits to how much 1 can enter but depending on the raffle that limit may be really high which will may people want to enter more.
    The info throws most off "since they have the info it must not be a scam" people come out of no where with the "info" but they just copied a trusted raffle organizers wall. Ive seen many that is EXACTLY the same like lemme just copy and paste 😩
  16. πŸŒšπŸ‘ˆβœŒ
    Nando likes this.
  17. Sounds less like a raffle and more like gambling
    Muschi, Nando and Kefo like this.
  18. And they are taking advantage of peoples gambling issues by making higher entry limits. It makes people think that they need to enter more to have a chance at winning.
    Muschi, Nando and JoyBoy like this.
  19. Finally, people with common sense
  20. It's not a gamble if raffle maker puts their alt in and makes it win because gambles aresare to have a chance to win