Parties of the Day

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. BPS didn't drop at RE
  2. RE will test brostep as well since the other club hasn't started yet.
  3. I
    it doesn’t drop I promise, I LBH it a few min ago at some club, check my post there’s a screengrab
    Jin-kun, Deina25 and Bratsturbation like this.
  4. Whoops sorry missed that, thanks for the heads up🤗
  5. Maybe there's notif too from when you are accepted to the club 🤔
    LeeJarrett and Jin-kun like this.
  6. [​IMG]
    It was autojoin :(
    Found it! Thanks I was being a dummy
    Deina25, Jin-kun, Ayrshi and 2 others like this.
  7. Arcade Misfire did not drop at TG
    Prinzjoker and Jin-kun like this.
  8. No drops DM @IT
    Prinzjoker and Jin-kun like this.
  9. Redemption testing just dance
  10. Limo Pro at Pop Empire
    Jin-kun likes this.
  11. WtC doing BIP or CCP doing waitListed, send me an invitation if you need help, I'm at full regen
    Jin-kun likes this.
  12. Sorry to bump but was f.a pro ever started ?i can’t find club that is or was working on, I may b looking over, tysm and goodluck all,🌹🖤
    Jin-kun likes this.
  13. We started Just Dance at AotU
  14. Nvm, so sorry. Was forfeited as I posted that
  15. Factory art Pro, never tested. Fake art 101 pro, yes it is being tested by the Club, _The_Fallen_Angels_
  16. No drops Wait Listed if no one said it yet