
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Melanina, Jun 22, 2020.

  1. You came onto this thread to gaslight instead of simply showing support. It’s not hard to keep your made up facts to yourself.
    _Thyme_ and DaddyDilemma like this.
  2. That’s the tone you set when you made that quote...so yes we’re questioning your motives.
    DaddyDilemma likes this.
  3. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚y'all are wild
    V_Witchy_101 and LeeJarrett like this.
  4. I'm not going to take any part in this argument, but since y'all are fighting over facts, here's a few I found:

    Number of children in LGBT homes in US: 2-3.7mil (Census.gov pdf)

    Number of children in US total: 74mil (Child Trends)

    Number of African American children in US: 10.5mil (Kids Counter)

    Number of children available for adoption in US: 450,000 (Congressional Coalition of Adoption Institute)

    Do with this information what you will. Y'all welcome πŸ’‹
    Muschi and LetsGoBrandon like this.
  5. Thank you for your very informative post :)
  6. Sorry, 125,000
    Muschi likes this.

  7. What does this have to do with Black avas?
  8. It's supposed to end the off-topic argument that was happening by providing sourced facts, so that we can get back on track discussing black avis. :)
    Meanie likes this.
  9. The US....this game is available worldwide.
    _Thyme_ likes this.

  10. Thank you for that clarification. Cause I just skimmed and saw links.
    Muschi likes this.
  11. Well Said @Melanina
    SUPPORT ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
    _Thyme_, Melanina and Muschi like this.
  12. I’m sorry, I just read this whole thread and it like annoyed the shit outta me. πŸ˜‚
    DaddyDilemma likes this.
  13. ✊🏽
    Melanina likes this.
  14. This game is worldwide. I'm a proud African from Ghana.

    _Thyme_, Amalya and Melanina like this.
  15. This thread is racist
    _Thyme_ likes this.
  16. No support for this stupidity. Apes do not pander to idiots.
  17. Peep how tomorrow we'll have ANOTHER July 4th themed hunt and a sweet ol bombardment of whyt America blowing itself.
    _Thyme_ likes this.
  18. Maybe I’m not so active, but I have been seeing a lot of black avis and they sexy avis too! Way better than the white avis.
  19. I need Asian sexy Tokyo drift kind of avis 😍
    Coco likes this.
  20. BUMP just to make people uncomfortable
    Dead, Raegan, Muschi and 2 others like this.