Unpopular opinion that nobody wants

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HaBaek, Jun 15, 2020.



  1. Scem 🗿

  2. Protecc 🛡🤺

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  1. My brother once got scammed out of 2k from a mail order-type bride he was trying to marry. Which is both hilarious and v sad to me. Beware other humans
    Bamby, HaBaek, Day and 3 others like this.
  2. I heard so many stories from customers who either fell for a scam themselves or a family member did. Pretty much everyone is scammed at some point, some how in their life. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You learn from your mistakes. Hopefully
    HaBaek and Day like this.
  3. I think that no matter how much we guard players from things like this, it won’t help. It really just prevents the inevitable fact that they’ll have to eventually think and make decisions for themselves.

    Though I agree that I’d like the community to look out more for others, it doesn’t fall on the developers to police trading and such.
  4. I’m pretty much gonna say what everyone else has said... but ata put the trading option in place to avoid scams. If you trade using that system it’s pretty hard to get scammed. Now on the other hand we still have the option to gift people for nothing in return and that can’t be canceled once sent like a trade can. So if someone chooses to not use the trade system, that’s on them, not ata. 🤷🏻‍♀️ honestly if someone’s getting scammed out of fake furniture or something in a game it’s not that serious. And if they stop playing over it, it’s also not that serious lol
  5. I guess you’re right. But I still don’t think it’s okay to let those people make spam accounts to scam people...
  6. I know everyone is right and saying valid things. I just still can’t set aside my frustrations with this one! Especially the part of the TOU I quoted. It just doesn’t seem to be reinforced at all.
  7. I was recently scammed, IRL. I took steps to get the money back and was then harassed by the scammer, and threatened. I made 1 phone call and everything ended. I agree that it’s a life lesson for some and those who have it may learn from it.

    I think making alternate accounts repeatedly on here with malicious intentions is a problem in itself that should be addressed.
  8. I see what you’re saying, but I don’t consider scamming someone out of fake game currency malicious. So I think the ToU protect people when it comes to things that actually matter, and the reality is that in game currency doesn’t matter. Your life isn’t altered or changed by losing a piece of furni in a game. Ya know? So although it is shitty that people do it, ATA has to direct its attention to things of a more serious nature.
    HaBaek and Victoria like this.
  9. That’s more for when players make alts to harass others or things of that nature.

    Technically speaking, “scamming” is just getting a good deal.
    HaBaek and Victoria like this.
  10. I think there is a difference between making a good deal and a scam. Ive been scammed myself. I was relatively new to the game, and haven’t really understand how the trading worked and all the abbreviation that were being used by everyone. I didn’t know what a PIMDCrate was at the time and that it can be sold for like 20b, so I accepted an offer to trade the ‘Hippocampus’ for a bb set ‘’mythical dragon’ that can be brought with probably less than 25c. Thinking that it should be an acceptable trade since the bb item had higher stats than the crate item.

    It’s one thing to buy at a low price and get a good deal, but I think there should be a limit to how ‘good the deal’ is. I didn’t even realise I was scammed until recently. It helps to have the trade option, but when you’re new to the game you wouldnt even realise that you’re being scammed.

    I think the key point is that the person being scammed has no idea that they’re being scammed and the who is doing the scamming is clearly trying to take advantage of the other person’s lack of knowledge/ awareness. Whereas, in the situation of a proper good deal, both parties are fully aware of what the item’s price is. Tying to get an overly good deal off a newcomer who has no idea what the market prices are is clearly a scam.

    I think an easy way to help newcomers to avoid getting scammed is to promote the use of this PIMD forum. Not sure how it was for everyone else, but I only found this forum from when I happened to search up PIMD on google randomly. I did’t really hear people mention it on the campus and pub, I did’t really hear people mention it on the club chats and nobody really recommend it me. There are so many useful threads that I think can really help newcomers figure out how things work in this community and help them avoid having the bad experience of being scammed.
    HaBaek likes this.
  11. You didn't get scammed, you made a bad deal. You win some, you lose some. That's life.

    And don't invite the noobies to forums. We're mean up in here. We'll have them uninstalling in droves.
    HaBaek likes this.
  12. This is an old forum. And there’s been some game developments such as PIMD discord which can also be used as well. The market place server can help those get advice before making a trade.
  13. Yes we are too mean here. Go to Discord tbh
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.