Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by PhantastiC, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Hello , i know this is a game to play and have fun ,but i really want to use my voice to speak in here. I like pimd, spent money etc.. but i would to see them create something like a gifts or anything to support the#BLM movement for those players of color or any other race who supports the Black lives matter movement (dont be silent). We fighting for Justice, peace and unity .plz don't mention looters etc or argue under my post ,when you all know we been peacefully protests. Thank you[​IMG]
  2. No support.
    -BeastSlayer- likes this.
  3. Ok racist
  4. Supporting this ♥️ 100%
  5. I support this a hella lot homie #BLM
  6. Need to be using all platforms 👏🏼 don't forget to donate and sign petitions please. Educate yourselves. No justice no peace. #BLM

    Easy compilation of places/people to donate to, petitions to sign, and protest basics and etiquette, amongst other things. Updated almost daily.
  8. Tysm 🤎
    iEllie and Muschi like this.
  9. Ata cares more about LGBT than BLM. Deal with it.
  10. It's very disappointing to see that ATA hasn't put out at the very least a statement regarding the issue.
  11. I don't believe ata cares about either. They just pander to whoever they think the biggest crowd is
  12. I agree, but I'd add that they cater to whoever has the greatest disposal income.
    Nessa911 likes this.
  14. You post you open yourself up for reply. The BLM is the equivalent of the KKK.abd has shown itself for the violent organization it is....stop being tools
    -BeastSlayer- and Voso like this.
  15. [​IMG]

  16. Excuse me ? How can you compare BLM with KKK ? The BLM is there to tell that black lives matter TOO, not that the other races need to be eradicate or are not important.
    You racist
  17. 🙃other races AND Catholics...why does everyone always forget the Catholics?
  18. To say that BLM is comparable to the KKK is fucking outrageous. The BLM protest leaders are not advocating violence or riots. That said, to assume that there isn’t a single BLM supporter rioting is ridiculous as well. There are going to be extremist or just shitty people everywhere no matter the cause. Unfortunately I believe the rioting and violence are overshadowing the BLM protests, and to some sitting at home watching the news there’s a possibility that the two are grouped together. Because of that I’m not sure ATA would make a statement on the matter, simply to avoid the chance of conflict or backlash by the people who associate BLM with violence. Now I’m not saying that it’s right to say nothing, just that I’m not sure they will. Living in a place where violence is an everyday occurrence is scary enough. Recently there have been both peaceful protests as well as rioting, and I can only hope the peaceful side will outshine the violent soon. Changes do need to be made, but not everyone sees that in their everyday life, they only see what’s on the news.
  19. [​IMG]
    We are not the tools here.