Hunt Suggestions ♡

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CIefairy, Apr 25, 2019.

  1. New hunt idea! Original content 🤡🤡🤡🤡
    -Main drops could be FOLLOWERS
    -Side drop ideas being LIKES/SPONSORS
    -Lot of posing avatars with PHONES
    Avatar ideas 🤔 :
    -A female avatar puckering holding makeup
    -A masculine fitness avatar drinking protein
    -Mirror selfie avatars
    -Lot of popular selfie poses (🤟/✌️/💪)
    -Avatar of someone filming/vlogging
    -Avatar doing their makeup with ring lights
  3. Also if you know the Karakal pet that’s in the pet capsules. If you have that you can see that there is a stellar/galaxy skin. There are also several furniture themes that are stellar or galaxy or lunar themed. IM THINKING ATA NEEDS TO DO A GALAXY HUNT WHERE THE AVATARS HAVE GALAXY SKIN LIKE THE KARAKAL pet skin that’s purchasable for 199(?) ec!!!

    A galaxy hunt with either alien avatars or avatars that are human with galaxy skin and clothing would be so cool!...

    Drop ideas could be meteorite clusters or moon rocks or astronaut themed misc or anything like that!!!! Please 🥺
    Sansa and bubblemini like this.
  4. okay hear me out ... an Esports hunt!!

    - pvp hunt with different "factions" like Esports teams against each other
    - cool "gamer" Avis that are bright and colorful
    - "gamer den" dorm

    I don't know if this is a good idea but I'd like it. It would be different from past hunts and it wouldn't be as boring.
  5. We had a gaming themed hunt before actually! Check here.
  6. My club pres mentioned Egyptian, which I think would be interesting.
    -Mooney- likes this.
  7. Agent kinda themed event would be amazing
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  8. Yesss, I'd love to see more stuff like the Spotlight avis
  9. I would absolutely love a hunt based around The Elder Scrolls series. Like make a darn good hunt based around Skyrim. And then give us shard boxes and please give us a Nocturnal based 95/95 femal avatar. I would LOVE it!!
  10. I think we could have a hunt that surrounds our daily life
  11. Can we have a military themed hunt to honor and show appreciation to those brave and patriotic people serving in the military and for their service? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Dog tags could serve as drops. Or possibly an Airforce, Marines, Army, and Navy PvP with a corresponding avatar on each military branch. It’s just a suggestion though. 🙈
  12. I hope we get another anime hunt! Last years anime hunt was great. From the avis and the misc but the furni was insanely disappointing ;((

    I suggest we also get a wizard hunt! I’m not sure if already had one but if we did I hope we get another one! I’d totally be down for witches and wizards 🥳
    Kenny611 and Alicia like this.
  13. Yes yes and Double yes!!!.:D;):)
  14. A DRAG KING/QUEEN HUNT would be amazing and so fun!! Lip sync for your LIFE!!!
    Oatmeal6 and -benthoe- like this.
    maybe its time for a hunt highlighting a serious matter? educating people who are playing about everything that is happening? offering to donate at least a percentage of the EC bought during the hunt to BLM fundraisers?
  16. Not sure if this was already suggested but an “open all” option for boxes? It’d make things so much faster and less boring when opening hundreds of boxes
    Hemera and Alicia like this.
  17. I feel like they will that the COVID route eith this one. It’s too sensitive of a topic. I’ve heard or them doing donations before so that would be cool. I even thought about asking them their intake on everythign, but I remembered to not feed into it.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  18. I had this crazy dream about the desert so I thought it would’ve been a cool hunt. I suggest we do an “Arabian Nights” hunt! Dk if this already happened but it looks pretty cool!

    Also, I’d like to suggest more Asian hunts or at least more Asian avis just cause I think we don’t have enough of them. Maybe like a “Yakuza” hunt or smthng, avis could have tattoos (because a lot of players are asking for tatooed avis) 🥳🤩
    NotThatJean and Tyranicorn like this.
  19. ATA hear me out. Can we please have a mukbang themed hunt. I want all the food misc. Tysfm.