Discussion in 'Activities' started by NoLongerUsinThisAcc, May 13, 2020.


    There will be 4 winners.
    1 - 65 cats
    2 - 45 cats
    3 - 32 cats
    4 - 16 cats

    To Enter this raffle, all you have to do is pay 1 chibi or 5 boxes (any openable box) and I will give you a number for your entry.

    Please write ENTRY when gifting anything or it will not be counted.

    Limit of 100 on number of entries.

    At the end of the raffle, I will put all numbers into a random generator and select the winners that way.

    Raffle Ends 3rd June 2020 : UK Time
    Winners Announced Same Day

    I WILL post here that entries are closed, as well as post here announcing winners, so be sure to follow the thread.


    3 winners

    Each person will get 16 cats.

    Comment below. A joke, a fact, a riddle, a word

    Thats all ya gotta do, comment.

    ALL 3 winners will be picked at random.

    Ends 3rd June 2020 : UK Time
    Winners Announced Same Day.

    Good Luck :)
  2. You’re not completely useless, you can always serve as a bad example.
  3. Bippity Bumpity Boo
  4. 1 word: gentrification
    Muschi and NoLongerUsinThisAcc like this.
  5. Did you hear about the new restaurant called Karma?

    There is no menu; you get what you deserve.
    Atumnice, LeeJarrett, -Nally- and 2 others like this.
  6. An adult male duck is called β€œdrake” πŸ¦†
    NoLongerUsinThisAcc likes this.
  7. the bird is the word βœ‹πŸ»
  8. Cafe lovely 🐱
    NoLongerUsinThisAcc likes this.
  9. McDonald’s once made bubblegum-flavored broccoli
    NoLongerUsinThisAcc likes this.
  10. Hey guys just to cleao any possible confusion you can comment ANYTHING doesn't have to be a joke, word, fact etc. An emoji or even how your doing today. Will do πŸ’•
  11. There is a technical name for the "fear of long words." It's called "hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia."
    NoLongerUsinThisAcc likes this.
  12. πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
    NoLongerUsinThisAcc likes this.