️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Price check on Baby blue bed? πŸ’•
  2. 2-3 🍱
  3. Also not gonna go through a million pages when someone can quickly just give me a number range for the price
  4. I answered it 2-3 pages ago.

    And I didn’t ask you to look through all of them.
  5. Price check on loft and found desk
  6. Pc on Purrmina the chic kitty 499 please! Thank you so much, you're really appreciated!πŸ’“πŸ’“
  7. 3-4 🍱
    8-15 🍱
  8. Price check for this hunts 999?? Thanks πŸ™πŸ»
  9. Price check on Gamesgiving bed please?
  10. Level 1 liminal desk price?
  11. Price check on the Vendredi Noir Portrait Max level 3? Please and thank you
  12. Price check on looking glass portal 499
  13. Price checks on:
    This hunts flooring and bedside table
    Disrupt bookcase
    Greescspe furni
    Candlelit bed
    Sorry I have no idea how selling works πŸ˜‚πŸ’•
  14. Game of guardians shelf price check ❀️
  15. Price check on pointy throne 999
  16. price check on julian the dog 499 please, thanks!
  17. 18-20 🍱
    2-3 🍱
    3-5 🍱
    6-8 🍱
    3-5c, 8-12c, 1 🍱, 2-3 🍱

    For the Greenscape Furniture please refer to my general pricing.
    16-18 🍱
    8-10 🍱
  18. Regular Prices

    Floor/Wall/Poster/Above Desk: 2 to 4 chibis

    Above Bed/Lamp/Nighstand: 5 to 10 chibis

    Above Plant: 6 to 8 chibis

    Shelves: 8 to 10 chibis

    Chairs/Plants: 12 to 15 chibis

    Rugs: 20 to 25 chibis

    Bookshelf: 1 bento

    Beds: 1 to 3 bentos

    Desks: 3 to 4 bentos

    499: 5 to 8 bentos

    999: 13 to 25 bentos (huge range)

    *Note that popular hunts can be a lot more expensive than this*

    Recycle Prices

    Floor/Wall/Poster/Above Desk: 1 to 2 chibis

    Above Bed/Lamp/Nighstand: 3 to 5 chibis

    Above Plant: 3 to 5 chibis

    Shelves: 5 to 7 chibis

    Chairs/Plants: 5 for a bento

    Rugs: 15 to 20 chibis

    Bookshelf: 2 for 1 bento

    Beds: 1 bento

    Desks: 2 bentos

    499: 3 to 4 bentos

    999: 9 to 11 bentos

    *Note that popular hunts can be a lot more expensive than this*

    Leveled Furniture

    As is the case with all leveled furniture, the price will be the base cost and cost to upgrade. So for example, a level 2 499 that has a base price of 6-7 🍱, would be 8-10 🍱 at level 2. Since with leveled furniture I like to assume that it was leveled with recycle priced furniture.

    To Find the Price of Your Leveled Item:

    Base Price + Cost Needed to Upgrade =Total
  19. Price check for Ouija board 499
    And Bonds of love 999
  20. Hm is a Paschal Spring Bed. Please wall me.