Daily tasks to EARN ECs

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by GARP, May 6, 2020.


Your suggestions for improving :

  1. 1.

  2. 2.

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  1. Hi ATA bro,

    My idea is to start a daily task

    A few tasks like
    1.Open box
    2.Hit 100 times in a party
    3.Change furni / Ava
    And so on...

    And as players do their daily tasks, reward them with an EC

    Why only EC ?

    Coz, most of the players here are teen and they cant spend their real cash, and by doing these daily tasks, they can earn EC and your game will also be played each and everyday..
    Its like a win-win for both player and ATA.

    And guys..you are free to suggest any improvement in this..
    HisDestiny, Davenant and Beaniebunsx like this.
  2. If anyone can spend their cash it's teens with no monthly bills.

    The spinner has ecs, i doubt they will ever give ecs for daily tasks.

    I'm not against different daily tasks the rewards just won't be ecs is all
  3. I mean, we have the offer wall. You can technically get ecs from that daily.
  4. This isn't even true.
  5. I agree. Most people I’ve met aren’t teens 😂
    Carrie, Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  6. Most players are in their 20’s or older
  7. I’m a teen 🦦
  8. I’m a teen 🦦 I just turned 19
  9. Offer wall in store. spinny thingy. Jobs. All give ec
  10. My recommendation is make ecs less inportant and make more content accessible with pimd cash.
  11. Honestly a better option then OP’s suggestion.

    That way players who choose to still pay for in game features can still benefit, but would have to do some in game tasks to get a reward.
  12. This game is 17+ so basically those people are able to get a job to buy ecs. If they can't then they always got the job section which gives a change of getting ecs, the gaming offer or spinner
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  13. Ata bro said no
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.