Hello I’m just a noob plz don’t crucify me with what ATA can or can’t do this is just an IDEA so pls....spare me the “blah blah forums exist”. We all know how Campus/Pub are continually spammed with adverts of selling/trading and even club banners. It’s kinda hard to consider them actual chats when you can’t even read people’s responses as they get lost. Why not have an additional chat where people can find the items they’re looking for and also sell their showcase? Just a thought...bc a lot of the times I have to scroll way too much to see what people @ me to respond and half the time it’s lost by then so 💀 how can I make friends like this 😔🥺
Hmmm that’s interesting! I’ve only been on this game for exactly about 4 months now, so I never witnessed this! But they should definitely consider re-doing something like this in the future. I don’t see any harm in having another chat tab. Thanks for the info 😊
Yehh it woulda been good for them to add it I hate ata change shit alot but it's 1 that I wanted when seen it woulda help more. Idk why they didn't add it. People that did the beta might know
Technically campus is for advertising and trades too. Though I do think the idea is nice, it won’t necessarily improve things, as people will still advertise on both campus and pub.
And you know, I /knew/ someone was also going to add that “everyone will spam this market chat as well as the other chats still”, at least there would be a segregated portion for people LOOKING to go to see just adverts. I don’t know I see campus as general chat, pub as sometimes a little x rated, and then a market chat I think would be a good fit for people who’ve been looking for certain items a very long time. I see that it may not be as *effective* but it definitely won’t be harmful! 😊
My worry I mostly if the game would be able to keep up with multiple chat channels. Like, in terms of efficiency, would adding another chat channel slow down the others? It’s just something I think isn’t worth the implementation if so.
I've been playing roughly as long as you, I see plenty of these forums posts asking/suggesting this. All I have to say is, pub isn't always x rated, but campus is almost always adverts. If you'd like to make friends, I think it'd be best to send a friend request or ask on their wall. ATA is pretty unlikely to make another chat when it's just been assumed by so many of the player base that campus is for adverts. There's also club chat and tutor chats, so I think Day makes a good point that continually adding new chats for every little reason could slow down the others and eventually make them obsolete.
I think I would prefer to see ATA add something completely separate for a marketplace, like where you could create listings and set a price or have people bid on it. Would be so much easier to sell things IMO. And find what you're looking to buy.
I get lots of deals from posts in pub. More than campus. Advertise where it's profitable. I do want a more open trading hub on here but I want them to be separated so I can find what I'm looking for. On Line, there are separate group chats for different kinds of trading. Furniture, showcase, etc. I would like the same on here but trading isn't and probably never should be a big focus in this game so I don't really see that happening.
Yeah. I'm mainly in group chats that don't allow it. I think the admins that let is happen are fishy and need to he held somewhat responsible for what they let people do.
Actually, yes. I think this would be great. I just think that spamming sales is not efficient bc most of the time everyone is doing it and you need to use up all your tokens to get sales and even after 25+ most of the time I haven’t sold anything 😂
What is campus for then. Too many chats are just gonna confuse some people and we would need more speakers too
I think people forget that you can remove chats. It can be like pub and tutor where you can remove them if you don’t want them. That would solve that too many chats problem. I like the idea though! Support 🙈
I meant more on a game wide level. Since regardless of if I have the chat on my account, it could still effect the server as a whole.
Not even necessarily a chat is needed. I just think SOME kind of outlet separate from pub/campus spam should be made. Like I’ve stated before, using 25 tokens won’t sell me anything. I’ve even used over 100+ tokens I won from the spinner and I still didn’t sell anything 🙈 I’m just becoming a hoarder at this point and I’ve stopped trying to sell on these chats because I know everyone else is hustling to do the same thing and most of my efforts go unnoticed so! I just thought I’d recommend at least something else. Maybe not a chat tab per say but there should defintely be some kind of “PIMD Market” kinda thing, where you can barter furni or shard prices. I think chats should be for chatting! not for spamming 🙋♂️