EVENT Pirate Practice

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Tapped post halfway through my bad 😆
  2. Yess i was about to ask the same thing!
  3. Happy to see a PVP hunt again since it's been so long and I always like to see new game mechanics.

    I'm curious if 50 people will even be able to get on the PvP lb though. Seems like the flags are pretty hard to get, gotta use crazy amount of DNs and for some reason only top 50 in the PvP xc get flags (aside from the handful you get from completing all tiers).
  4. Okay I hope this is addressed and fixed, but how can you give equal points for both fighting and dancing for this Dance off pvp extra curricular event??
    For a single full successful unload on a players using fight you would get 140 points. Simply because if you're familiar with pvp you get 20 full fights max if all successful out of one full health bar.

    Where as for Dances you only get 17 dances if all successful and that translates to 119 points putting an imbalaced environment for Intel builds to compete in where strength builds have advantage of 21 extra points out of each full bar of health with dns obviously being used. Also anyone competing is gonna capitalise on their health and dns by ensuring all hits are successful
    Point in case this leaves a very big challenge for intels who are going to struggle with this event esspecially for those who want to compete on leaderboards for those killer avatars.
    Strength builds have a 21 point advantage each dn over intels. Pranks and eds are even more of a hopeless cause and those numbers get even more sad.

    Was this an oversight or intended????

    Excuse my typos and repost. Delete the other posts plz.
    Ballerina, Meanie, iEllie and 4 others like this.
  5. The last time was in 2017.
  6. Because people should be punished for not knowing pvp mechanics k?
  7. I'm gonna do some math. I'm Intel build so I'm inclined to go for dance off though that puts me at a disadvantage energy-wise as someone else pointed out. But I don't want to waste energy on failed hits so I'm gonna just go with this.

    17 hits is 1 UL. 17 x 7points per hit = 119 xc points.

    That gets me to the first xc tier, which doesn't get me any flags. So I use 1 DN, do 17 more successful dance-offs, which gets me right to 238 xc points and also the the 3rd tier. I get two flags. At the rate things are going, just hitting 3 tiers will not get you in the top 50 to get 3 more flags so I'll stop there.

    Assuming I get 3 tiers on the xc every hour I'm awake (16 hours), I can spend a minimum of 16 DNs (Regen full health every hour so I only need to use 1DN per hour) a day to get ... 34 flags.

    34 flags a day x 14 days (and 224 DNs) is 476 flags. That doesn't even get me CLOSE to the 3201 flags needed to place on the lb.

    I understand that lb is meant for going above and beyond but this is already including me spending every hour I'm awake to complete 3 tiers AND use 224 DNs! I don't have even close to that # of DNs so I'd have to spend a lot of $$ , and not still not make it to PvP lb. Just seems really unrealistic & unbalanced.
    iHanzo, Ballerina, Meanie and 7 others like this.
  8. IGNORE ME, lb is for the discs, not the flags 💀💀💀
    iEllie, Muschi and -119- like this.
  9. People aren't being punished for their lack of knowing pvp mechanics, it Intel builds that are at disadvantage.
    I wouldn't say punished just more at a disadvantage 🤓
    Meanie, Jinger and Muschi like this.
  10. Well building an intel build for your main is dumb so...
  11. I completed all Tiers okay but had to hit from pin for the full hour. You get your 119 points as soon as it starts with initial unload and all being successful. Then every 5 minutes you sp dance a weak enough target for 14 points for the full hour. I just barely made it though with me having to type out my post here 😂
    Muschi and Eva like this.
  12. I disagree, both approaches are valid (just not even build lol). I find it much easier to find people to dance against since most other people are strength build. Also I like being able to eavesdrop successfully.
  13. No it's not 🤓 I have a bigger variety and set of skills at my use than just mindlessly spamming one action for years on end
    Ballerina, Meanie and Eva like this.
  14. The hunt bed is a mix between cryptid bed and mogul bed 🌝
    PureImagination and iEllie like this.
  15. It appears to just be a sticker. :)
  16. I hope you don't like sleeping. If you ever pïss someone off your money will be gone lickety split.

    Also why the heck are you easedropping people?
    SprclfrglsIcxptdcs likes this.
  17. Maybe we should take this time to rebalance pvp, ATA. Cause personally I don't think that 160 mcs should be able to hit 20 mcs. 😁
    Ballerina, Meanie, blanktalia and 4 others like this.
  18. I don't usually piss people off lol. And I know how to hide my money if I actually have a large enough amount that I care if I lost any.

    ED is nice to use so I don't waste my energy on someone who is stronger than I expect. Don't want to waste energy if hits aren't gonna land.
  19. No use arguing with a noob. 🙃

    You're dumb...the end.
  20. Yikes, thought we were having a discussion but personal attacks are fun. Bye then.
    Meanie likes this.