So what're y'all spending your Trump bucks on?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by LetsGoBrandon, Apr 15, 2020.


What're you spending your Trump bucks on?

  1. Cats

  2. Dns

  3. Hot Tub

  4. Mortgage

  5. Rent

    0 vote(s)
  6. Utilities

    0 vote(s)
  7. Other bills

  8. Savings

  9. Online Poker

  10. Other

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. If this covid-19 stuff is over by then :(
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  2. Gettin my MMJ card šŸ˜ ifykyk
  3. I mean. It probably won't be completely done but it'll be handled enough that peeps can go back to work in a few months I think
  4. Hopefully. šŸ„“
  5. My fren has a theory that eventually everyone will get sick of being forced to stay inside and not being able to work and will uprise if it goes on past july
  6. This is already happening in Michigan. Sorta. Different complaints but similar.
  7. Yeah, there's a protest happening in my state capital. Like in the form of a mass gathering. Which is part of why I think this'll keep going on. šŸ˜·
  8. I
    I completely understand why people want to get back to business as usual. Go back to work, start living their lives again. Iā€™m one of those people. But I donā€™t think people are looking at the big picture. Theyā€™re not fully understanding why stopping the spread of this is so important. People who are healthy and strong donā€™t see the severity of this. The reality is most hospitals have had to lock down, to keep staff safe and able to continue working as well as keeping patients that are there for other issues safe. Because of this people are having to drop off their loved ones at a hospital with a cough, and getting a call that theyā€™ve died a few days later. They arenā€™t getting to say goodbye, they arenā€™t able to be there as a support system. And these people are dying, alone, under quarantine. And the longer people refuse to follow restrictions set in place to help people, the longer it goes on and the more families that are going to be just completely torn apart by having to lose a loved one in such a terrible way.
    Muschi likes this.
  9. The virus is real, I know someone with it, so don't get me wrong....but I think we're being kept at home mostly to prevent civil unrest. Aliens are coming or something.
  10. In "How I Met Your Mother" Robin says the strip clubs in Canada are better because you can have full nude and liquor in the same club, it gets separated a lot here.
  11. The amount of people I've seen denying the existence of it is... absolutely astounding.
  12. Oh. My friend was telling me about strip clubs in our province like a week or two ago and he said there's no high class places here w talented dancers or anything. All the talented strippers go to toronto/vancouver or the US he said. But also neither of us care about like lap dances or full nude and stuff.
  13. HAHA f same rip. they said they didnā€™t claim me but then the other day they were like jk we claimed u.. rip me and my taxes
    Muschi likes this.
  14. They aren't getting the $500-per-dependent stimulus bonus (for you at least) since you're over 18 either. Same with my parents for me and my 18-year-old younger sister, who they also claim.
  15. lol yea my family gets a solid $0. i was like lmao ok
  16. I know people who still refuse to believe it. One of my ex's younger sisters and her partner now have it (they're both young, too, 19) but they have pneumonia-like symptoms and have been ordered to quarantine and ppl are still popping by to see them like it isn't real šŸ¤
  17. [​IMG]
  18. A Nintendo switch with animal crossing and PokƩmon shield and Mario kart! :D
  19. šŸ„ŗ i'm jealous