NEW FEATURE Introducing: Club XCs!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. Pretty neat idea. Liking it so far, I hope there'll be more ideas like this
    Jinger and Louigi like this.
  2. Why do people keep forgetting that this game is literally the livelihood to a company and just because you can download it and play for free doesn't mean it's a free game. If you can't afford to spend on the game then I'm sorry to say that you just gotta be okay with not making to a bunch of leaderboards and stuff on the game. Many people ARE willing to put in small money and effort on the game to make it to these, XC actually is a very inexpensive lb compared to the others and ATA is really trying to make it easier on those who doesn't wanna spend too much especially during this difficult time so for the love of God, be appreciative.

    RANT: And if anyone wants to talk about how "its so hard to keep up with the game during quarantine because we don't get paid, earning money is hard rn, ATA is greedy for money, etc", y'all don't think ATA might be struggling to pay rent for their office and pay all their staffs during this tough time too? You think you're the only one suffering and ATA makes a game for charity so you don't have to spend and can play for free while whining about all the expensive things they come out with? ATA IS A REAL COMPANY WITH REAL PEOPLE WORKING FOR THEM. Stop whining about how expensive some things are. If you have a decent job, even if you pay rent, buy food, feed your kids, save for the future and stuff, you should at least still have a couple hundred bucks left to spend on leisure from each paycheck SO if you don't have that then maybe you should just get a better job to keep up with the lifestyle you want or rethink your life choices/priorities. Quit blaming other people just because you can't keep up with a certain lifestyle. You DON'T have to make it to a leaderboard on the game, you DON'T have to buy the shards and avatar or even furni stuff IF you can't afford it. The game is fun by itself without needing to be on all that; Trust me, I was there once. Stop crapping on ATA for trying to keep a roof over their heads just like you are. Get a grip.
  3. Look at it the other way though as well.

    Are you saying that players who can afford to spend money and work hard on game activities should be penalized? You’re asking for a very idealistic game that equally favors everyone, but PIMD isn’t structured that way.

    If everyone was a winner, honestly no one would be.
  4. Tbh I should've added that rant to the Chinese incense ecs story thing instead because of how many people crapping on the post but I rest my case. 😹
  5. That’s not even what GeneralSab is mad about though; she’s in hunt’s T10 rn and very clearly spends money on the game.

    Rather, she’s mad because this XC leaderboard for once incentivises staying in one club and not hopping and flashing for drops.

    Reading comprehension, guys, lmao.
    Woes, Sev, Jude684 and 2 others like this.
  6. I misread a word 😂 I’m so used to people complaining. But it’s a nice option for players who don’t hop.
  7. y’all need to chill the f out... like if you want to spend however much, go for it. this new side quest or whatever you call it in no way “punishes” you. if this didn’t exist, you wouldn’t have lost anything. if you don’t want to miss out, drop your alt in a club that’s flashing kinis or something. it’s not that much more than you’re already spending and then most items are transferable.. i think tbh i forgot what was on it already lmao.

    point is, you can spend how you please. that’s nobody’s business but nor is this a competition of class and whether you “deserve” something because you spent x amount (& this is coming from someone who is a corporate snake). maybe some people just prefer spending it on something else irl or maybe some people aren’t really able to spend at LB levels at this point in their life. they deserve to have a chance at this leaderboard too, no? not to mention you still have to be able to afford to get into a fast invite session/flash session (as if seems those are the only ones hitting T10 so far).

    if you wanna compare it to rl, some people are getting that trump check, maybe you aren’t. does that mean you’re being punished? no, might suck you don’t get that since your taxes might be higher and yet you don’t get that tax back, but you’re not about to die. that 1.2k is likely more insignificant to you than someone depending on that check soo yeah idk if that related at all but chill my dudes
    Hopa, Jude684, Twink and 2 others like this.
  8. if you wanna compare it to rl, some people are getting that trump check, maybe you aren’t. does that mean you’re being punished? no, might suck you don’t get that since your taxes might be higher and yet you don’t get that tax back, but you’re not about to die. that 1.2k is likely more insignificant to you than someone depending on that check soo yeah idk if that related at all but chill my dudes[/QUOTE]

    "TRUMP CHECK" you mean the check the Democrats house wanted.
  9. dude i’m not political. don’t rlly care which house the check came from. the government is messed up in all sorts of ways anyways. my only strong opinion is that ppl who are extremes on both sides need to open their ears and stop berating people as if it’s gonna make someone change their mind about their political views.
  10. If you don’t get drops, because notifications are broken for hours, it’s kinda hard to fight 🙌🏻
    _iCelestial_iLLa_ and La-Bichota like this.
  11. Why you playing this game[​IMG]
  12. Why you heredbdndbdhdbd
  14. you really came in ready to start a political argument huh
    Jude684 and Twink like this.
  15. Yoo, why is everyone all mad again? This is a great idea to satisfy everyone and reward those who aren't into hopping. It's a way of "ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind". I like it.

    Government: Stay at home
    ATA: Stay at your home club
    Kyna, -Wisteria-, Mon and 4 others like this.
  16. It's not letting me claim🤦‍♀️
    Praise likes this.
  17. That’s what this really is. Pimd club isolation.
  18. Same here. I get a message saying "You may not collect rewards from this participant", or something like that.
    I already uninstalled and reinstalled, restarted my phone, even my wifi 🤣🤣
    Praise likes this.
  19. It’s happened to a few people in my club on an alt but it let them collect on their main. Idk it let me collect 🤷🏻‍♀️