️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Look at the post right above your post.. it says 2-4c so 3c
    3c is between 2c-4c
  3. 8-10c my short term memory is off today
  4. Yes, thanks for that, I did notice that post as well as saw that the person added a note on that post, saying that popular hunts may have different prices. The price check I asked for is for a newer hunt, which may have different prices than the prices the person stated so I asked for a price check, which wasu not 8-10c and instead 10-15c.
  5. 16-18 🍱

    10-12 🍱 on both.

    2-3 🍱

    There isn’t one that exists at the moment, but I can help if you’d like.
  6. Price check on ravenghast bed and tropical bed thanks in advance.
  7. 3 🍱, 2-3 🍱
  8. What's the price for specter of the past bb 999?
  9. ok well hmu & lmk way u know! I wish there was a Chart Explaining! Cuz tbh I'd rather save up til I have enough to max so I keep my Misc. Until I hit the % cuz I noticed I lot power recycling furniture for a small ug! Especially doing multiple pieces of furniture at once! Ty any intelligent answers would be Great 😏
  10. Price check on witching hour above desk
  11. Price check on Punkheap 499 and 299
  12. Price check on PredatorWare desk
  13. hi day, can I have a price check on my grill and chill futon bed? thanks!
  14. 5-7c
    4-6 🍱, 3-4 🍱
    3-4 🍱
    2-3 🍱
  15. Price check for this hunts 999 Door to the garage?
  16. 18-22 🍱
  17. Price check for Neon Kitten Caboodle 499? 🙏🏻
  18. Price check on my mostly complete and lvled champagne space dorm?? Tyvm
  19. 5-7 🍱
    If you’re going to ask fo that, I need to know which items are leveled.
  20. Hm would a LVL 3 Unicorn Nebula Desk go for?