Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. I'm just more and more disappointed... Why can't you just leave us at least those monthly avis for free from timer boxes... Is that so much to ask for? It's already enough "pay to win" or whatever. This will just make us leave the game... just my opinion🤧
  2. It is such an amazing improvement! I also love the avatars! But I'm not gonna lie, it's extremely hard to get just one April timer box. Thank you for hearing our feedbacks even not all of ours! At least there are changes means that you want to keep the game interesting to play but I know you guys will do more better for the next month! Hope we all have a great day!
    glamourzombie22, Syl95, -May- and 2 others like this.
  3. I'd support that!
  4. Ugh I was hoping this months items be fixed. That the monthly avis would be back in the spinner boxes where they belong.

    Clearly not considering Molly's Corner is still being used. Put older avis there instead, ones from older hunts. Ones that people would actually want and be more likely to pay for which is clearly what you want🙄

    Put the spinner avis back in the boxes and dont touch them. Leave them ALONE. Putting a slightly lower price tag on them DOESN'T HELP. It just makes you look greedy which in turn makes people want to play less and less which means no money for you!😱
  5. Stop putting avis in the shop!!!! No one is gonna dang buy them! Stop being so greedy ffs!!!
    InvaderKeeng, Jihoon, Bunni_B and 4 others like this.
  6. Gurl. For 5DNs and 7DNs purchases in Molly’s Corner? That ain’t gonna work. Should have included ECs as well like you did the beginner packages. Although you moved on set back to the box, you should have just moved all of it.
    Victoria, Meanie, Bunni_B and 8 others like this.
  7. Retweet
    Maddi_Matsu, Hera, -May- and 2 others like this.
  8. I used my tokens, because there’s been some progress but I definitely won’t be paying $25 for an avatar and a couple of doctors notes. You’re not giving new players any free chances to win avatars other than the default ones. Yes there’s the quest lines but you most definitely have to either be a part of a cat club or on constantly doing POTD to get those ones....I am not as new anymore but I defintely won’t stand for new players being pushed into a corner where they have to spend x amount of dollars to not have default stuff! These are not smart marketing moves. Yes progress was made, and things are a little bit more reasonable, but really you should just revert everything to how it was back in February. I don’t like this game becoming increasingly more and more expensive to just play! 🤨
    Meanie, Hayes, Dhiwatah and 12 others like this.
  9. It’s like you want people to quit the game.
    Meanie, Dhiwatah, HaBaek and 7 others like this.
  10. Alright overall review of this from my perspective

    I am still primarily an advocate for spinner avatars being in the spinner boxes, and Molly's corner getting special avatars.

    However, I am satisfied with the prices. If we look at what spinner avatars are worth, 50 ec ($5) and 200 ec ($20). I think tacking on the dns gets you closer to the new price point. However, I think you guys are missing the mark on making these really good bundle deals instead of everything your spending is exact value or a little more.
    I appreciate a set of avatars being in the spinner. So overall it's a compromise I'm Ok with. But I hope new ideas start happening too. I think there is a lot of room still for improvement to make everyone happy
  11. The punk in me wants EVERYTHING.
    Dyst0pia likes this.
  12. This brings up a great point. I remember the first ever non starter avatar I got was from a spinner box and I was SUPER EXCITED just to have that avatar! It wasn’t even my favrouite in the box, but because I didn’t have the starter avatar anymore I started to feel like a real player. I was starting to become frustrated with the game at that point because it was hard for me to progress (I’d been playing for around three weeks at this point) and if I hadn’t gotten that avatar I think I probably would have deleted the app. I’m really sad that new players don’t have that same opportunity.
    Meanie, Dhiwatah, dragonair and 15 others like this.
  13. I love the Guitar Heroine and I want it, but why does it have to be at Molly's Corner for $25? 😭
  14. The corgis are cute. Everything else seems... outdated?
  15. Cvgvhgbygbgbvhg Cvgvhgbygbgbvhg photo shoot me
  16. Man I love those mask avi’s. It’s too bad I’m too broke to spend money on a game for avi’s. I’m just spitting out idea’s but if you guys are so set on keeping avi’s in molly’s corner, why don’t you make 4 sets of avi’s and have 2 sets in boxes and 2 sets in molly’s corner? You might have some more positivity on that idea. I don’t know, I just think that’s not a bad idea myself. I’d love to have month spinner avi’s I just don’t have the money to spend on a game, Real life essentials are more important, but if I can get avi’s in a box I know I’d be pleased. Or put all avi’s in molly’s corner and in spinner boxes for both: people who spend money on the game,and people who don’t spend money on a game. Sorry for how long this was. Have a great day.
    -May- and Muschi like this.
  17. 600 ecs for a 60/60 ava? Hot damn🌚
  18. gosh I’m so mad. for the last months every single avi from monthly boxes was pretty average or just ugly. now there’s one avi that I like SOO much, and of course i can’t even use my spins, which are a lot (and made the developers make some money) to get april boxes and win the hottie with the mask because you can only buy her for like 30 dollars lmao. now can’t we even get 3 male and 3 female avis from monthly boxes? i keep feeling so disappointed. 💀
    Bunni_B and Muschi like this.
  19. So I woke up to see the chance of getting spinner boxes dropped significantly. There's no guarantee you get an avi out of a box, and getting one box out of ~100 spins feels like a slap in the face, when you only get a spinner item at the end, maybe accompanied by a DN 🙁

    My possibly-not-so-brilliant idea would be to leave the spinner items in those boxes, and move the avis in some separate monthly boxes, which can be put in the shop, at prices tailored for players' power levels. When I say prices, I mean something like $75b/box for me (game money, not real money). That amount would take me around a week to make, if I'm only hitting POTDs. For players that have just started the game, it could be like $1-5b/box. And so on.

    Those boxes can still be timer boxes, but this time you're sure you actually get an avi, after spending a few days or weeks trying to get the in-game currency to buy the boxes.

    I appreciate the fact that at least one set of avis out of 3 got put back on the spinner, but if you only get 1 box out of ~100 spins that you got in like 2 weeks, and that box may not contain an avi, then... I don't see a point in keeping those avis in a place where they're very unlikely to be obtained for free.
  20. Like it. But that ‚bundle‘ is for that price still a slap in the face 🤪 5 & 7dns? Seriously ATA? You can do better guys 🦊💕✌🏻