Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. I’m personally happy with the changes but people are still gonna complain because they can.
  2. ATA be like we still charging you money but heres 5 dns. L-O-L
    Salting10, MollyMo, Ganyu14 and 2 others like this.
  3. same ive done 40 spins and got no timer box,
  4. Looks like #Nomoneymarch is still on, guys.
    Extremely freaking disappointed, once again. I’m not buying, and I’m going to tell everyone I can not to buy anything from you guys until you fix this mess.

    We want both hunt Avis back at 8k drops.
    We want ALL of the month avis in the box.

    Listen to your fanbase.
    -May-, saccharine, Salting10 and 28 others like this.
  5. I think this is a really good start for change. They're very obviously listening to us but still having to compromise. I also appreciate that they're listening to the feedback of what theme we prefer! Ata is listening, they may not be perfect listeners, but theyre listening!
    Salting10, -bae, Rizky and 10 others like this.
  6. Dooooooooopppppeeeee
  7. But it's also significantly less money.
  8. I don't think the Molly's corner avi-bundles are still worth the money... even if the prices are slightly better and with a couple of DNs. I'm still disappointed. Glad to see you're trying to find a compromise though.
    Salting10, Ganyu14, -bae and 13 others like this.
  9. i just dont understand i-, in how many languages do we have to say we dont like the changes you guys are doing? $25 for a 50/50 avi and only 7dns? we just want all the month avis back in the timer box and play guess the prize with the avis, spinner items and dns the month box can offer.

    also whats with the box drop rates? 40 spins and no box? i used to get maxed in about 15 spins.. clearly y'all dont want us to get the avi for free either.
    Salting10, Meanie, dragonair and 19 others like this.
  10. And as usual, ATA remains to be a money hungry joke.
    Meanie, Ganyu14, Lullaby47 and 5 others like this.
  11. Love it 😱😍🀟🏼
  12. Love Nikki gives you an outfit you can take apart and mix and match with others for $10. As punk as I am deep down, the most money you'll get from me is ads and offers... I was so close to going to a bbb too. Forget that.
  13. Can't just put all the avis in the timer boxπŸ™„
  14. aite I can fucc with $25 us for a 50/50 avi AND 7 dns
  15. Wow.
    I’m disappointed πŸ˜”
  16. Well it's very sneaky of you to say you put the avis back in the boxes BUT not say that the box drop rate got reduced. I had not a single box in 80 spins, someone else got 1 in 116 spins.πŸ₯±
    Really clever ATA. I know it's april 1st but... could you stop fooling us? Thx
  17. Do I hear a #NoMoneyApril? Guess ya boi twinky is continuing with the memes. :)

    The avatars and furniture are gorgeous, but damn ATA, why you gotta be like that?

  18. Thefact that some of y'all are defending ATA for lowering prices by a little is so funny πŸ˜‘. We're in the middle of a pandemic and people are dying and losing their jobs, yet ATA wants us to pay semi-fair price instead of putting them back in the monthly spinner boxes. So funny ATA. Also those 600ec Avis,none of these are worth any money. Do better.... Just do better
    Snitcherry, saccharine, Prim and 18 others like this.
  19. But that’s a game based around outfits though
    _Thyme_, Day, Muschi and 1 other person like this.
  20. Yaaaaasssss!