Is it just me or are there avis that just make you immediately not trust someone/judge them? What avis do you judge people for using? Also is there a reason why? Obviously most people have a negative bias again the current March avis but other than that...
Noob Avas/Starter Avas bcs most Creeps have no stats and just those Avas. Beide that it's about what they type and/or the ign 🥴
I remember when I was a noob I used to be more cautious interacting with players with those bat/axe avis (old hunt, full color and a collectible blue color) because someone once mentioned it was a notorious farmer avi 😂
Oh yeah!! Theres one, i don't know the name of it but it was an older one and i always associate it with FartSniffer. Instant creep 😂
I never really thought about this, but there’s definitely certain avis that make me more wary of people 😂
People who wear ata's uglier/deformed looking avatars. Like the disney spinner ones. I just don't understand why.
Also me cause that's my highest stat avi. I keep giving up on collecting all the other VIP shard avis. Whoops 🙃😂