A Conversation About Avis

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RoseMilkTea, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. Is it just me or are there avis that just make you immediately not trust someone/judge them?

    What avis do you judge people for using? Also is there a reason why?
    Obviously most people have a negative bias again the current March avis but other than that...
  2. Noob Avas/Starter Avas bcs most Creeps have no stats and just those Avas.
    Beide that it's about what they type and/or the ign 🥴
    French-Toast, Puma61, Ciara and 7 others like this.
  3. I remember when I was a noob I used to be more cautious interacting with players with those bat/axe avis (old hunt, full color and a collectible blue color) because someone once mentioned it was a notorious farmer avi 😂
  4. Oh yeah!! Theres one, i don't know the name of it but it was an older one and i always associate it with FartSniffer. Instant creep 😂
    Alicia and Muschi like this.
  5. Those are my favorite!! The cabin in the woods hunt. They look tougher
    vanished and Hera like this.
  6. I never really thought about this, but there’s definitely certain avis that make me more wary of people 😂
    Sansa likes this.
  7. [​IMG]
  8. Just make them tradable
  9. SAME i wound up collecting it anyway 😂
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  10. Would also like them to be customizable... that’d be funnn
  11. Only if i can customize the avis backstory and past traumas
    bloodhoney, Ciara and Alicia like this.
  12. I'd say the avatars with wings on them. Because I know that they are big stat players :p
  13. I can relate to this 🤪
  14. “Slutty” bdsm avatars & mascot avatars.
    SharKC, Snoogets and BenSolo like this.
  15. People who wear ata's uglier/deformed looking avatars. Like the disney spinner ones. I just don't understand why.
    SpicyVanilla, Alicia and vanished like this.
  16. These people scare me
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  17. This thread was not meant for attacking me but duly noted
    Muschi, vanished and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  18. Also me cause that's my highest stat avi. I keep giving up on collecting all the other VIP shard avis. Whoops 🙃😂
  19. ?
  20. She's saying she wears those type of avatars. Is jokes
    RoseMilkTea likes this.