Looking For A Relationship Partner?๎Œช

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. Looking for perm RS: Currently 18mcs
    SFW friendly, my stats or higher, max:max hunt gifts, no rp/pervs/weirdos
    Prefer someone kind who is ok with chatting.

    Gift/WM ๐Ÿ’–
  2. Lol
    Throatzilla2 likes this.
  3. ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Fyn likes this.
  4. so yโ€™all wonโ€™t rs me huh?
    Throatzilla2 likes this.
    • I am 10.5MCS
    • 5MCS above, or anyone who's active!
    • I have no ask out๐Ÿ˜” my ex-rs partner found someone new and left me...๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ
  5. Looking for honest and loyal RS ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ with ask out mature girl and open minded
  6. Ask me out I'm 26mcs
    IGN : Handsome-Maaz
  7. Hello everyone!
    Looking for RS
    I'm 26mcs Male
    Should be at least 15mcs+ Female
    Ask me out
  8. 157 mcs looking ๐Ÿคก
  9. Hi there!

    My friend is looking for an RS. Sheโ€™s an absolute sweetheart and pretty active. Sheโ€™s just under 2mcs.

    Looking for:
    - Around 2mcs stats
    - Preferably female
    - No sfw
    - Have to be able to ask

    Send me a cheap gift or wall me if youโ€™re interested! Sheโ€™s seriously the greatest and youโ€™d be lucky to have her as an RS ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. Someone rs me Iโ€™m 157mcs ๐Ÿ˜
    Libra likes this.
  11. looking for an rs ๐Ÿฅบ

    im 800kcs but constantly upgrading
    looking for someone higher stats, i can ask

    pls be my friend ๐Ÿ’›

  12. RS found ๐Ÿ’–
    Throatzilla2 likes this.
  13. Need RS around my stats or higher stats ๐Ÿ’• with ask out ....... honest and loyal RS open minded and mature one
  14. Looking for an rs
    Ign: HarmoniousAddi
    Stats requirement: 1mcs+
    I have an ask out
    Iโ€™m looking for a fun and easy going rs โค๏ธ
    Sfw not needed but Iโ€™m okay with hits
    Feel free to reach out if interested ๐Ÿ‘‘
  15. Looking for rs...
    Any stat will work.
    I don't have ask out!
  16. Someone rs me, I come with tacos ๐ŸŒฎ
  17. Looking for a perm male RS/RP

    • 12.4 MCS
    • Male
    • 21+ years old (i'll tell you more)
    • Super Active
    • Higher stats (=> 10 MCS)
    • Male
    • >21 years old (older than me, please)
    • Always upgrade as we have to grow together
    Wall me for more details!
    _-_JackiesfavHoe_-_ likes this.
  18. Looking for Perm RS.

    Me :
    โ€ข 7,37 mcs and upgrading regularly (only play for 57 days)
    โ€ข 24 yo not really fluent in English
    โ€ข Talkative, like to use coloured name ( we can discuss the color ), flirty.
    โ€ข I can gift new gifts (not ec one)
    โ€ข Absolutely no to RP!

    You :
    โ€ข 7mcs or higher
    โ€ข Active ๐Ÿ˜ค
    โ€ข Someone I could talk/flirt to (PM or Wall) ๐Ÿ˜˜
    โ€ข Willing to max gifts ๐Ÿ˜
    โ€ข Preferably fluent in English ๐Ÿ˜…

    Please ask me out, I don't have ask token ๐Ÿ˜”
    If interested please wall or gift me ๐Ÿค—
    -bae likes this.
  19. Still looking donโ€™t be scared ๐Ÿ˜

    157 mcs