EVENT Spring Home the Breakin'

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. :( Hope NCOV will weaken or completely disappear in summer. Anyways I like the avi surprise thingy :).

    Always pray and wash your hands. Stay clean!
  2. I really want to take a second to say that I really like the main story being an XC leaderboard. I get so tired of hitting my phone all the time for all the new stories that come out. It's the most cumbersome part of playing the game I feel like. I hope more of this type of tweaking can be experimented with.

    I did actually get my 16k avatars last hunt. I must admit it was the most engaged I've been on PIMD in a really long time. The avatars suck but I crave getting some sort of avatar for my avatar closet. I also got the VIP avatars ahead of the main story. I didn't have a lot of timer speed ups and I never opened a box. However, I am 40MCS and that's about the earliest MCS that made this really possible to do (and I do not have schedules like my friends do). My friends below me and my clubmates who played as hard as they could did not make it. I'm not super satisfied with the avatar split up. But I'd really love if it was modified so we had a choice in which one we wanted like the hunts from 2015 (birds and the bees etc). I hope you guys keep modifying the avatars and what works for the average player. This was a semi good start.
  3. and thats the thinking ata wants you to think "eh its better than last hunt ill take it instead"
  4. I also forgot what happens if we dont collect the main story XC leaderboard award within 12 hours?? Do the awards just go into the inventory or is it lost forever?
  5. It has to be collected. But I’m not sure if that’s the case for this hunt or not.
  6. I think it’s better to look at the good things and improvements that were made 😊 If you don’t feel that way it’s fine.
  7. I think you can acknowledge progress but still demand further progress. Just because people are saying this hunt is better than last hunt doesn't mean they're going to "settle" for this.
    SarcasticSelkie, Sev, -May- and 6 others like this.
  8. if theres gonna be tier avis stories you should atleast give us the audacity of choosing M or F avis at said certain teir(8k)
  9. thought you could collect rewards until 12 hrs AFTER XC is over
  10. I think people can both acknowledge progress and still advocate for further changes. Just because people say they believe this hunt is better than the last, doesn't mean they're going to "settle" for this hunt's methodology. Some might but not all.
  11. Ugh, sorry for replying twice. It told me my previous reply hadn't been posted so I retyped only to see it did actually post. 😂
  12. I can agree to this.

    I just tend to acknowledge the positives before the negatives 🤣 I don’t want to be too quick to say this hunt won’t work when I haven’t tried anything yet.
  13. I think it's also important to remind ATA what they are doing right, in addition to what they are doing wrong. :)
  14. That’s the crappy part. Anyone even at the smaller MCS can’t make it to these new amounts, such as myself, unless we pay to win, which many of us can’t. Along with this, they’re ignoring smaller players AND players that can’t be on every hour of the day, whether that be for a few minutes every hour or the whole time. I spoke about it in another thread, but many of us have chronic issues that keep us from being on constantly or have jobs, school, etc. where we can only be on during breaks or lunch. While I’m glad they’ve shifted the drops for avis slightly (though it’s ridiculous that it’s for one random avi..), they really haven’t changed anything when it comes down to it. I was lucky to get the drops I got last hunt (still couldn’t get 16k) because of timer speed ups for those boxes and extra cat/kini from my club.
  15. I was kinda disappointed when I saw it was going to be another spring break/beach kinda theme but with that said I do like this one a lot better then some of the others the avis and furni are pretty cute! And the main story avi requirements are slightly improved from last time but I know a lot of ppl will not get the avi they prefer and still won't be able to get 16k..
  16. How did the male box avi get a 69 tan line? 😐
  17. I kinda like the new XC thing where we can see what we are getting BUT... One random ava at different tiers and an 8hr box for 150 drops instead of 250 like it was before is a no-no for me. Not mentioning the increase of drops needed...
    Cavalera, Rylai, Andreea and 6 others like this.
  18. Alright folks, your local memer is here, without the memes tho for this one post. I know, I know. Disappointing. Just like these recent hunts, amirite?

    Listen, I tried to look at it from a more positive perspective. I TRIED. And to be fair, I can't say there's much to be positive about. For starters, I'm glad ATA brought back the 8h timer boxes. But what- what's that? 150 common drops instead of the usual 250? Excuse me?

    Okay, got it. Positive. Positive. I must be positive. Calm down Twink, look at it from the positive side. Hey, there's a dude with a 69 tan thingy! Too bad the good artists quit working for PIMD and we're now left with some recycled versions of what could have been good and polished avatars. But to each their own, I guess. Some people might like this artstyle.

    The XC thing? Eh. It wasn't necessary, but at least now I see the 5mcs item and oh boi am I a sucker for animal mcs. 😘 You won me on the puppy, not gonna lie.

    Anyway, there isn't much to say about this hunt. I'm not impressed but not surprised either. The main thing I'm salty about is that most cat clubs are closing now because of ATA's deed, and my home club is one of them. Great job, ATA. 👏 Greed job.
    Woes, -May-, Carrie and 13 others like this.
  19. There’s no quest for collecting the Alcohol bottles?? Is this a bug?
  20. one thing ive notice is cat clubs are closing due to ata's changes
  21. Had a barbecue hunt, now a beach hunt. It's just the beginning of March. ATA is like climate change, no springtime, just straight from winter to summer.
    Woes, -May-, Carrie and 4 others like this.
  22. It does say one, I'm female and tend to only get male avatars from boxes, etc. If this is the case, it's going to suck!
    -May-, Carrie and hypsoline like this.