EVENT Spring Home the Breakin'

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. Um.
    I appreciate knowing what it takes to get rewards up front.
    But making it a gamble at 8k and 16k to see which avatar you get? I’m already anticipating getting the one I don’t want at 8, never making it to 16, never getting an avatar from the boxes (as usual) and of course falling short on the leaderboard.

    this game has taught me to expect disappointment more often than not, and to keep my expectations low.

    Why not give us a set of m and f avatars at each relevant reward tier? Why make it a gamble when you know how many players have gendered avatar preferences anyway? If only we could trade or sell them, lol.
  2. surprisingly, plenty of people are still going to the beach.
    Prim likes this.
  3. I agree except for the last sentence. 😬
  4. BUCKLE UP ATA AND HAVE A LISTEN 🌚 I appreciate all the work you do, respect peps. HOWEVER, what on earth are you doing? This game is a platform to all sorts of people and backgrounds, why are you changing things in favor of those who can pay all the time? Like yay money coming in and yay those people are getting themselves what they want. But the rest of us? I can say as a fact now when I first played it was so amazing when I won that avi at 6k and could do it with some hard work but now? I can barely do it as a mcs stat without being on to keep hitting. it's so discouraging. I understand maybe it's because pay to win or bigger stats get there 6k drops to quick but like so?? They aren't the only players, hell they might even want to cut down sometimes and play like a poor soul such as myself 😂 but you are changing things that where great to begin with and when we are telling you it's not working so I do hope you listen to the people playing the platform you work so hard on... that's all, listen to us ALL
    SarcasticSelkie, Sesia, -May- and 4 others like this.
  5. also the XCs are still kinda broken did yall even fix that first to begin with lmao ata
    SarcasticSelkie and Muschi like this.
  6. 8 hours and atleast 150 drops
  7. I understand that, but my main point is we can all complain until we are blue in the face and ATA won't ever make in changes. Bet money our next hunt is a horror hunt. They roll out hunts in cycles now. Beach, different country, flowery/girly, next is a horror, then like an anime or something. They keep giving benefits to top tier money dropping players and ignoring the others who play and every time the complain they say they listen and give us some the same old shit wrapped In new wrapper.
  8. I understand your point. Just saying that mods are not responsible for that so placing blame or directing frustration at them for this is unfair.
  9. Wow, y'all done screwed over all your potential customers (new players), congratulations 🤡
  10. I personally feel like this way is a step in a better direction than last hunt. I like seeing the possible rewards and all tiers listed from the get go. Getting one avi at 8k is better than none at 8k. It may take a bit more time and effort to get it, but at least there's an avi more attainable than the previous hunt.
    -May-, Carrie, hypsoline and 7 others like this.
  11. 8hr timer box and at least 150 drops, quite a disappointment. I think I have complained enough and they are not even listening to us. Avis are cute but so much confusion.
    Andreea likes this.
  12. Exactly! This change is honestly just weird. The stories are meant to be stories for a reason, not XC!
    SarcasticSelkie, Sesia, -May- and 5 others like this.
  13. It’s okay it’s based on data we’ll never get to see and obviously it’s better for us because reasons. Pipe down and get back to work.
    -May-, Andreea, renamed17893 and 3 others like this.
  14. so our beloved 8h timer boxes only drop min of 150 now? did y’all just think we really liked coming on every 8h to unlock them? what the [EXPLETIVE] is up ATA LOLLLL
  15. Yeah, I'm still unhappy but at least some adjustments have been made and it's a step (even a baby step) overall in the right direction, in terms of settling the avi rewards.
    -May-, Aphire and Day like this.
  16. I agree completely! I think 8k for two weeks is pretty reasonable. Since that’s 4K a weekend about 500-600 drops a day which doesn’t seem bad.
    zaizai and Muschi like this.
  17. I'm actually fine with the ava drop at least compared to the last hunt, thats great.

    But do they forget what XC stands for 😂 isn't it called main for a reason🥴
    ViIIain, -May-, Andreea and 6 others like this.
  18. So not impressed.. 😒
  19. 500-600 drops a day? Who the f are you kidding? Newer players can't hit those amounts a day and some of us other players who have been on a while can't either. We don't have the cash to spend money on cats or the time to go on and get max hits for every damn party!!
  20. I get that it’s harder, but 500-600 a day is actually very reasonable for a two week hunt.

    It may not be easy, but I’d make sure you’re at max plunder to ensure that you’ll get the most out of your hits.

    You’ll have to be diligent, but it’s much better than 16k.
    Muschi likes this.