Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. I’m still not giving in to this response, while its nice to hear something back after 40 long pages, all these “datas” you talk about could completely be made up by the people who actually spend high amounts of money on this game, and you could not be “giving a shit” about the mass majority of players who refuse to pay 60 dollars an avatar. I don’t give a damn what your datas say. In what human brain is it acceptable to charge people that high for such a mess of an avi. Its quite embarrassing how the team supposibly stands behind their actions, I’m not convinced at all, because at the end of the day we’re the ones who make the game, and no matter what your data says its still not acceptable to charge people that high, its still not acceptable to assume we don’t have lives to be on this game 24/7 trying to get 16k drops, every opportunity we had to gain something special without paying money has been taken from us, and the fact that you sit here hiding behind what could possibly be some made up data it’s irrelevant to me, you’re still charging 60 dollars an avi, and let’s not get started on those ec prices, that should’ve been a red flag the day I joined. 20 dollars for 200 ec... that can be wasted on one avi.. ONE. Its quite clear that your data is only relavant to the top 10 people in those leaderboards, and a huge fuck you to everybody else.
    mimikyu, -May-, Alysse and 16 others like this.
  2. Yup! Like I said, we could be a thing that happens in the near future. We will see what comes next.
  3. We will probably have another Designer Q&A! It really depends on how yell-y people will remain to be tho after all this/during this. Nobody wants to be yelled at on an Internet platform.

    This is also a fantastic idea – I'll see if the artists are willing to share their secrets.
    ShaveYourKitty, Eva, Leigh and 5 others like this.
  4. 👀
  5. Unrelated: how very polite of some people to come off their alts. 😉
    Mon, ShaveYourKitty, Alicia and 4 others like this.
  6. This forums post has been an emotional rollercoaster. I've largely stayed quiet since this all began.

    My big takeaways is that two wrongs don't make a right from both sides of the coin here.

    I completely relate to those who are furious. I personally get very sad when changes occur and I write with a lot of emotion.

    I hope this is a learning experience for everyone. I hope in the future an official Q&A can be hosted to take up everyone's concerns.

    At the end of one of my posts, I asked for protests that are peaceful. I didn't say without emotion but with some peace taken into account.

    Of course, actions speak louder then words. I think one of the best ideas I saw was spinner avatars remain spinner and Molly's corner gets some exclusive avatar bundles and maybe even some throwback avatars. I do hope to see resolution on the 16k avatars and that it isn't forgotten in all this.

    Thank you for everyone's time in reading my post. I hope a resolution comes quickly.

    Thank you Marcie for coming back on as well. If I agree or disagree, a developer is not required to respond to the community even if a community is asking for it. So I just wanted to say thanks as well
  7. This is why you're one of our faves. You can speak out your disagreement and share your personal feelings regarding our content/decision-making while not allowing it become an emotional mess of verbal diarrhea (sorry for the image).

    I like the idea of Molly's Corner having exclusive avatars personally, but what I like isn't going to dictate what our designers do next but this is something they'll consider! If it makes sense, so it shall be!

    All that being said, watch out for the next few events and pieces of content we release. We will keep reiterating!
  9. And yes I did break the quote function lol, one of my many talents
    -May-, ShaveYourKitty, Muschi and 3 others like this.
  10. Only you could do that. 😂

    I'm still going to repeat that it probably won't happen, bringing back old avatars, but never say never right? It's important for us not to devalue how the work folks have put in to earn those special avatars. Recolours are not a bad idea though...
  11. I was never on an alt, thank you very much. I'm just here to flirt w everyone and stir up drama
    -May-, ShaveYourKitty, -bae and 3 others like this.
  12. Flirt with me, thanks
    -May- and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  13. Oh, I wasn’t referring to you. But as you were!
  14. Side note this is the highest quality gif I’ve ever seen. It’s so crisp.
    -May-, ShaveYourKitty, Eva and 4 others like this.
  15. Could i suggest separating the stories.., one where its possible for kcs to handle but that the mcs cannot be available to do as they will have their own story.

    This could lead into yaknow others trading and perhaps making it more easier for the newer people to start off on their collections. (Cause its really fun collecting stuff... But oh so hard ;-;)

    Because its really impossible for low stat members to even compete with finishing the first story as then we have to vote without even knowing the end... Ive been on for about three or so months, and i have not been able to finish the endings or even get close to an endings to the story..

    Or- a complete separation of the kcs and mcs- and breaks would be nice as well to give us time, and you(ata) time to make a bomb story. Ones that we could all enjoy... I think you should try this out ^^
    Ballerina, ShaveYourKitty and DoIIy like this.
  16. She doesn't care! As long as she's got her lil posse that will forever have her back, She'll always feel in the right.
    -May-, IIMariselaII, Hollllzy and 8 others like this.
  17. I loved the circus hunt avatars as they depicted what clowns the ATA team were.
  18. This response is garbage. In what way did any data indicate that your players would pay for $60 Ugly Avatars. The drop rate is slim to none, the speed up timers are pointless if you don’t actually drop hunt timer boxes, you already charge an arm and a leg for keys and box cutters. What more do you want from players? Kidneys?
    It’s time to move on to another game, way to suck the fun out of it. Take a bow ata
    mimikyu, -May-, Alysse and 18 others like this.
  19. Yes yes yes and yes 😂 damn I miss those good ol days of pimd
    ShaveYourKitty and dragonair like this.
  20. This was mean but I laffed
    Hollllzy, Mon and DoIIy like this.