The thing is, ATA isn't going to respond anytime soon, which makes sense. The forums represent a small portion of the player base. They will want to wait until more data backs up the fact that players are upset with recent changes. Players who are upset with current changes need to speak with their wallets and stand by their choices for the month and spread the word to all to leave their opinions here in this thread, whether they like it or not. I'm sure not all players are upset with the changes/don't really care. Those players are important to the community as well, and also have the right to their opinions. The best the community can hope for is that ATA hears our opinions and implements them in future decisions. So speak up! Leave all your comments and reviews, good or bad.
Players have bought these Avas.. and more will buy itโs business If they wer on the spinner/boxes yโall would be complaining about how ugly they are... if u really want the Ava then just buy it? Think itโs ugly? Then donโt buy it... let the ppl that like it buy it
Not just that one, she locked all the threads that posted since the change complaining about the situation and only left a mess told us to comment in the original thread๐๐
Okay but like, People wouldn't make 24 pages complaining it's ugly. This is 24 pages of our concerns and frustrations with ATA. You are doing nothing to benefit either ATA or your fellow players with your posts. Trolling isn't that way to go when people are making a serious statement.
This whole thing is ridiculous. The avi cost alone is disgusting. Completely unjustifiable. I wanna know how they got the data to see this was the right step to progress. Like who was in that beta testing and who said yes, I'd pay for an average as avi with standard stats. I get that change has to occur so that games can progress and money can be made but there are many different and better options than this. - Do more BB combined sets - Do a VIP story pass once a month *when the option comes to gift actually make it worthwhile to the person gifting( more drops, not a speedup box) - this will increase your daily promo sales, increase vip subscriptions and increase the DN/ec's purchases people will purchase. At the end of it all, ATA needs to refocus on what their customers want, because since Black Friday quality has been dropping of hunts, avis, furniture, increasing requirements for avis to unlock, and has resulted in increasing paid content and avis which havent been all that amazing. My point is still have paid content obviously but make it attractive to the people who spend. Listen to the common hunt suggestions, you have half the community begging for dark/black hunts this will make people buy the keys. You have others begging for more PVP hunts. This will increase DN purchases. If you give us the hunts which are wanted and begged for and you do it well, money will flow in. Give us passes where we can earn our avis, you still get our money but we get more out of it and the pricing is more reasonable.
I hope 25+ pages of complaints at least sends a little message that this is a short-sighted, greedy, foolish decision on their part. then again, Iโm pretty sure they just donโt care as long as they keep getting money from the people willing to drop mad amounts of $$$$$.
So you're telling me Ata has the time to lock down any threads related to this outrage but they don't have the time to f****** say something to us about it
Impossible to justify or rationalise this level of absurdity I guess.... You know youโve screwed up when itโs better to say nothing than try to talk to your customers. ๐
Still not gonna say nothing I see. My teaโs getting cold better say something about thisโ๏ธ oh and good luck handling us๐๐ ๐พ
first off ata wont speak they never do they just change it when the next month comes and honestly that's how they operate they took super pros because God forbid the players actually who are bigger have a party that is for their stats
I spend quite a bit on this game and I had to stop myself this morning on principle. Tbh everyone would calm down if they just addressed it. Because a month is a loooonngg time to wait to see if they heard us... Kinda b.s.. Like what if they DON'T change it back when we all expect them to? After a month of waiting? Tbh take them out of the store and give everyone who bought the avis (if anyone has at this point) credits with how much they spent and call it a day.
Hey Victoria! I wanted to acknowledge your post and use this as an example of what constructive feedback looks like; it is a clear way to share your thoughts in an articulated manner that shows thoughtfulness and is what we are more likely to respond to. We are not compelled to respond to childish demands as most of this comment section has turned into. It also looks like most of you have missed it โ I posted a response in the original post addressing these recent concerns. With regards to your feedback, Victoria, you are correct that only a small representative of the player base exist on the forums; however, we do care what this group of players think and have been reading all this feedback. As always, we will continue to do experiments and move forward based on those results! Once again, a reminder that bitter comments that do not demonstrate intellect and productive criticism will certainly be passed over. โ๐ผ
Can i just say i love Marcie, i respect that you guys have responded to this even if most of the comments are childish. Most companies don't even need to explain changes but here you are being a champ about it.
I 100% agree that how some (I'd even as far as to say a lot) of how people responded to this situation was bitter, possibly yes, for the sake of playing devils advocate, "childish". However the fact that a representative of the company has called people childish (which imo has become commonly used as an insult, but either way, is not professional wording) seems very innopropriate to me. Honestly most of your post I agree with, but the "bitter" and "childish" comments really disappointed me. A lot of people are angry, and whether they display it in a reasonable way or not,(as long as it is not in an agressive or abusive manner) it is the company/representatives job to reply in a professional and respectful manner. It boils down to the old saying of "the customer is always right" saying, which may not be ideal but it's how bussines works. We are a customer after all, and I feel that's where a lot of the (yes, sometimes wrongfully channelled) anger is coming from. We've spent lots of time/money on this game. It actually feels pretty hypocritical the way you've scorned players from speaking their mind... In an arguably bitter and childish way...
While I understand that some responses from players come from anger or general upsetness, itโs not the best move to ignore even the proper ones. Many of us have voiced our concerns in a proper way and expressed how we feel, not simply yelling in caps or with excessive curses, etc. Along with this, expressing sooner/right after adding it that an addition has been made to the post wouldโve been a bit easier. Many players, especially new/non forum user ones, donโt read the original post because, well, itโs the original. They arenโt going to think a new update/updates will be added on, but addressed in some way. Thanks for responding, but being a bit belittling when many of us are being civil is a bit harsh. <3