Looking For A Relationship Partner?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. Still need rs?
  2. Thought you were going inactive ☹️🤔
  3. Looking for active, friendly rs, 10mcs or higher, does ec name dates, stats only sfw friendly and preferably female please. I can't ask sorry😩 wall or follow if interested 😊👌
  4. 🌸I'm almost 80mcs 🥴
    🌸Looking for STATS RS
    🌸Don't be an Idiot and waste peoples Ask out just bcs you found the next Love of your Life here it's not Tinder
    🌸Idc about your Gender
    🌸I can deal with hits but just got out of sfw so I prefer for now it stays that way
    🌸Absolutely no rp or anything related
    🌸Hmu I've an ask out 🌚
  5. Rs found 😊
  6. I'm 26 MCS still looking
  7. I’m 35.6 MCS.
    Looking for someone around my stats with a strength build, because I’m an intel build.
    Needs to be sfw friendly.
    I’m 24 and a female, would prefer someone around my age and is friendly and a bit talkative.
    Can max cash gifts and we can gift each other occasional ec gifts. 🥰
    You ask out if lower stats, I’ll ask if higher. 🖤
    Throatzilla2 and Sequela like this.
  8. Bump x2.
  9. I am at 139.37KCS
    I'm looking for my stats or higher
    I'd prefer to be asked out but I can if ultimately needed
    Gender is not an issue I promise.
    21years old here so must be 18+
    Active please
    - must be 22mcs or higher
    - stat rs only, not looking for relationship
    - gender doesn’t matter
    - must upgrade regularly
    - I can ask out
    Wall and add me to discuss🤗
    Throatzilla2 likes this.
  12. Why are you stealing my design ? I created this EXACTLY 💀 so you copy & paste & make your own ? Why not try to be original 😂
    Throatzilla2 likes this.
  13. Hie,
    I have my own ask out and,
    Looking for an Rs:👇🏽

    ☘Sfw Friendly because I do sfw🎯
    ☘I'm 27mcs so should be 30mcs and higher
    ☘Can Max:Max hunt gifts🎁
    ☘Talkative or Non-talkative rs, I dont mind either way, just know I am a friendly person whenever you need me.
    ☘If this matters, I'm a 22 year old female
  14. so i’m never finding a rs, ye? okay
    Rizky likes this.
  15. 🐊 I'm roughly 19mcs & seeking a perm rs🐊
    🐊🌺 I'm a bit chatty but also a bit older🌺🐊
    🐊🥃willing to max gift outside the 10b gifts...id id like to be able to save and upgrade🥃🐊
    🐊 Willing to do colored names daily🐊

    Min stats 15mcs
    Prefer mature at least 27 years old
    Strong preference for similiar timezone. Im in Asia.
    No alts
  16. RS Found🥂🍾♥️
  17. Still looking🥺💋
  18. Looking for perm Rs
    🌟 I'm 42 mcs
    🎁 I can max gifts
    😁I can be chatty but if you
    Dont want to chat it's ok 👌
    🌟I'm looking for a rs close to my
    Stats or higher.😎

    I cant ask. Hit me up
    SavageKay likes this.
  19. Me: 45 mcs, built on strength.
    I'm a perm in a cc club, very active, ug when I can 🌝I'm a sweet, caring and quiet person. GMT time zone.
    Looking for M perm RS in Europe :
    - 55mcs and 🆙😋
    - Must be Active + ug😛
    - NO Alts please !!! 😐
    - maxing gifts🎁
    - colour(ecs)dates
    We can grow our stats together, I like to be spoiled🙈
    - wall me before adding