Morning routine?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alicia, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. Hmm, well, routine isn't really my thing, haha. Depends on the day, it's plans, the night before. πŸ˜‚ I guess my work days are a bit more routine. On good days: I wake up and drink water then get a few chores done; cuddle with my cat while I drink tea/espresso and have a smoke while browsing my phone; do a bit of yoga then shower and dress before arriving at work a few minutes early. Other days: I hit snooze 3 time; I finally wake up to my cats howling to be fed; dry shampoo is my friend, and depending on how late I am decides a lot of things from there πŸ˜‚ ; coffee usually doesn't happen until I get to work πŸ˜ͺ.
    I suppose I do have one routine. My cat always cames into the bathroom to drink water on the counter while I'm getting ready πŸ˜‚ He demands this.
    Star-tree and Alicia like this.
  2. Cats are such curios creatures it makes me miss my luci cat πŸ₯Ί
    Alicia and Victoria like this.
  3. Stares at ceiling fan, wonders if it's strong enough to support the weight of my body. Decides it doesn't matter because I'm too lazy to make a noose anyway... Washes down a few Tide Pods with a mug of bleach.... Then, wakes up from a nightmare where I was super emo, makes coffee and smokes a cigarette while I listen to my current favorite song. Gets a shower, shaves, brushes teeth, goes to work.
  4. I never have enough time, but that's probably because of my serial procrastination
  5. It really depends on a lot of factor. If I have a meeting scheduled with a client early that day I get out bed instantly otherwise I take my sweet time. I'm a very very lazy person btw
  6. My maid makes my bed every morning. I hate doing it myself
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Ofc you have a maid.
    Alicia likes this.
  8. I've been busy recently so my morning routine is:

    Jump out of bed,
    wash face,
    brush teeth,
    go to the toilet,
    wash hands,
    prepare breakfast,
    get dressed,
    check emails and facebook while eating breakfast,
    lock door,
    try to stretch on the way to the car,
    smiling is part of the stretch,
    go to work.

    I miss having a proper morning routine but it's important to adapt it and I've pretty much optimised it for the constraints.
    Alicia likes this.
  9. I’m usually woken up by my kid (or cats) feed them all, grab a cup of coffee and demand silence until I’m finished it. Then I either play with my kid or get ready for work, I know it’s bad but I’m really not a breakfast person. Plz don’t tell me to eat breakfast cuz it’s not gonna happen πŸ˜‚
    Victoria and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  10. Only for cleaning the house tbh
    Alicia likes this.
  11. Lazy af smh
  12. People like to over exaggerate the importance of breakfast. Same with the concept of 'starvation mode.' Skipping breakfast is not making anyone gain weight.
  13. He doesn't have a maid. Just a mom who would be mad if she knew he referred to her as his maid.
    There's nothing pretentious about saying you have a maid. 😏
  14. I was teasing
  15. I know. And I was too. The statement about pretentious was more sarcasm than anything though.
  16. Breakfast provides you with energy to complete your day.

    You need to refuel your body after sleeping to have energy to last until lunch.

    Lunch is arguably more important than breakfast because the distance between breakfast and lunch is usually less than the distance between lunch and dinner.

    Having a high calorie dinner is bad because it provides you with lots of energy but you have it at an unimportant time of the day, and when you sleep, it can turn into fat.

    We burn the most of our calories from Breakfast, a decent chunk from lunch, and barely any from dinner.

    People have said that they think I'm always full of energy, and I know that I usually stay upbeat longer than others simply because I have a shit tonne of Low GI food for breakfast to the point that I can basically skip lunch and the energy lasts me until dinner unless I have a particularly busy day, then I might have a hankering for an afternoon snack.

    Most of our "first impressions" are in the morning, I prefer to do the most rigorous work in the morning so I can finalize it afterwards so breakfast is most important to me.

    If you have nothing to do in the morning amd only start your life after 12, then lunch might be the most important meal... But for most people with a "full day", breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    And for night owls, dinner could very well be more important.

    The most important meal of the day is the one before you need your energy.
  17. I have tons of energy in mornings, I just have no appetite until lunchtime. I and many others get nauseous at the thought of food as soon as you wake up. It's just preference
    Alicia likes this.
  18. Im like that, but it's more than just nausea. I have all these silly stomach problems, high acidity, bad pyloric valve, blah blah blah. Eating breakfast first thing in the morning literally makes me sick. Especially if I have to go get in a car after. I remember the first day of college particularly, for I made my aunt pull over in the middle of one of the busiest highway bridge split-things in the city so I could remove the banana she had insisted I eat an hour before from my body.

    Breakfast is a con. 🌚 However, I do find drinking water when I wake up to be very important.
    Alicia and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  19. What's a routine?
    It's like yall never heard of waking up 30 minutes before you have to hit the road
    Star-tree, Alicia and Victoria like this.
  20. I only give myself an hour in the morning before I have to be at work, and the drive is 10-15 minutes so like... yeah, I do have half an hour! 🀣