Morning routine?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Alicia, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. Good morning lovely beings of planet Earth. I am here curious to know what kind of morning routine or rituals do you all have for when you get up for the day ( or night, I know how it be).

    I usually start off mine way differently, but seeing as my body’s cycle wanna start today, ( tmi ik) I am now on this game which I don’t really like to do as soon as I wake up.

    I go for that yummy h2o, stretch and warm up the body with some yoga, and calm and center the mind eith meditation. Which I’ll proceed with making a cup of coffee and step out side to just feel connected with the rest of the world for a few moments. Once I am back in, I’ll go to my cute little altar and practice my tarot cards or journal. Once that’s cleared, I continue my day with a shower and move on. How about you? I’m still tweaking my routine, so please feel free to share! Thanks!
  2. Drink water, make breakfast, do assignments and cram for exams
  3. Wake up. Stay awake. Do things. Oftentimes go to work.
  4. I wake up, check my crypto portfolio and then browse twitter until my bed tea arrives, then I get up and shower and all and watch some business news, then plan the rest of my day. Most of the time my days don't go as planned though but I like the spontaneity.

    I work from home so there's no commuting to and back from work for me
    Alicia likes this.
  5. Wake up, turn on some music while I get ready. Ignore breakfast, make my bed, feed my cat and walk to school. Duh end. It switches up but that's what it's been lately
  6. Wake up, check phone, stare at the ceiling, fall back asleep, wake up, hate myself, check phone, get outta bed, eat food.

    At least that’s what I do when I do sleep.
  7. I start out every morning doing yoga and then writing a list of things I’m grateful For and than practice my violin
  8. I wake up. I wonder why the fudge I am still alive. I play some tunes while i lay in bed for the next 15 mins wondering whether it's worth it to get up. I finally get up cause if I don't I will probs get fired and be homeless. I go to work. I eat. I sleep. Repeat.
    Star-tree likes this.
  9. Jeez, is it because it works better for you at this time or not enough time later in the day?
  10. How long does it normally take for you to officially get out of bed to shower and such?
    I’m not much for following a routine, so my plans never go as planned, but it’s okay bc it gives me more room for other things to blossom.
    Star-tree likes this.
  11. I forget about my bed until way later, but I wasn’t always like that, became harder to do with someone not getting up near the time you do lol I used to start my morning with music. But my taste is switching so I tend to feel anxious with just listening to it. Working through that, tho. Music is a big part of my life, it’s like I’ve hid it for a bit. Ignore breakfast? Is it on purpose? Like a lifestyle thing?
  12. whoa, it really be like that huh? Well, good luck guys. You are worth the blessings and the love. And remember it’s only a temporary situation and you can create a new reality for yourself !
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  13. This sounds lovely and peaceful. A list of gratitude is pretty vital for my day. And playing an instrument, sounds like such a great way to start your day!
  14. I also follow it up with yoga, time with my mom and than road trips with my two favorite people
  15. I never used to make my bed. The last person I dated, whenever she slept over she would always make my bed for me. The first time I was like "I don't even make my bed, you don't need to do that" and she goes "i just thought you might like to have a made bed." It was super cute and endearing and I realized I did like it so after we broke up I started doing it habit. I'm not hungry in time for breakfast so I don't eat it.
    Star-tree, HeartlessCoffee and Alicia like this.
  16. Wake up, check weather (cuz it’s wild these days), dress, brush teeth, makeup if I feel like it, leave.

    I sleep in to the last possible second I’m actually a failure as a human being
    Alicia likes this.
  17. I like making my bed due to it bringing the room together. More comfort and clarity for my mental
  18. Haha the only way you fail as a human is not being human at all 😂
  19. I wake up and spend the rest of the day wanting to go back to sleep and when I snap back to reality I'm back in my bed and ready to go back to sleep
    Alicia likes this.
  20. Put my pajamas on, put my dog outside to go potty, fill up his food bowl, eat breakfast (usually just a pop-tart), bring my dog in, let him eat some (he prefers to graze throughout the day so he'll eat a bit and revisit it every once in a while), give him his medications, and then if I have work I will get dressed for work and then leave. If not and I have no plans for the day, I may decide to go relax in bed for a little while on my phone. Scout will typically follow me and take a nap on his bed in my room too.
    Alicia likes this.