[Contest]- Poem/Love Letters

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Belle, Feb 1, 2020.

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  1. Make me blush by seeing your... intelligence.
    Prop me up with your strength...of character.
    I'll give you a cat ...alog of reasons why we belong together 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
    dragonair likes this.
  2. It seems like I've spent a lifetime waiting for you,
    to hear your laugh, feel your warmth,
    see the future in your eyes.
    Like the moon exiled in darkness,
    I'm trying my hardest to come into your light,
    to deserve it,
    because I know I'll never shine as brilliantly as you.

    (Does this count as less than 4 sentences? 😭)
  3. Total Bliss.

    Hot breath on your ear,

    Shimmying in something sheer.
    Delicate touch, passionate kiss,
    This is your moment of total bliss.

    A bottle of champagne, let’s make a toastmasters
    La-Bichota likes this.
  4. Total Bliss.

    Hot breath on your ear,
    Shimmying in something sheer.
    Delicate touch, passionate kiss,
    This is your moment of total bliss.

    A bottle of champagne, let’s make a toast.
    You are the one I want the most.
    If I could have just one wish,
    I’d spend the rest of my life in total bliss.

    Lay down with me, let’s watch the stars.
    Not a sound to be heard, not even cars.
    One more kiss before we say goodnight,
    Hold me close & hold me tight.
    Ahh.. total bliss ♥️
    La-Bichota likes this.
  5. My cat jumped on me in the middle of writing... cat owners will understand 😩🏳️
    Monkee_Cee likes this.
  6. Sorry I didn't realize how long this was 😬
  7. to my mirror self:

    your body aches when you see my face,
    i know i shouldn’t feel like this disgrace.

    we’re left alone just you and me and me and you and i know you’ve been waiting for this moment too.

    you clear your throat and i swallow thorns,
    we grab these words by it’s burning horns.

    i wipe your face full of dew and utter the hardest words i ever knew...

    i love you.
  8. Dear Anonymous,
    may be a trash 😪
    but you're my trash ❤

    your trash bin 💋
    PrincessDemure likes this.
  9. 4 lines? Ok Belle.


    I take a page and write 'I love you.'
    Turn it into a paper-plane and climb the roof.
    Launch it, hoping it reaches it's destination.
    Stupid defected plane, it lands near me.

    (Self love is the first and foremost destination of love.)
  10. You're my warm cup of coffee,
    my first thought every morning.

    But what happens
    when the coffee shop closes?
    When there is no more you?

    I am left with an addiction,
    a habit of waiting something
    that will never come back,
    as the last coffee becomes cold.

    So I made myself a cup of warm tea
    and left my cold coffee behind,
    just as you left me alone
    in winter night.
  11. Dear beloved

    No need to shower me with roses...
    No need to buy me red wine...
    All my heart yearns for...
    Is that you simply be mine

    With love...
    A secret admirer 🥀
  12. LOVE

    Hey Little Darkness come out and play,
    Cry out your tears and embrace all pain;
    Know you're strong, go ask them out-
    "Be Mine LIGHT, you're the only one I got".

    ( People gotta embrace the darkness in themselves as they do embrace Light)
  13. [​IMG]

    Dear You,

    We met by chance, you and me enchanted by fate.

    Silence speaks fondness, distance speaks faithfulness.

    Sadly caste, money, tradition, and family tear us apart.

    Will our love enough to mend the gap?

    Sincerely Yours.

    (p.s. The rough sketches have tried to potray the poem)
  14. Love? I’m confused I’ve never heard about it on the news.

    I cannot buy it in the stores, I’ve looked at Walmart, oooh they sell paddle boats! Wait... I don’t go outdoors....

    Love doesn’t come in a can, although I was once scarred for life when my parents talked about it in our old van.

    Where is love, did I lose it, or is it still to be found?

    But if it’s a good thing, I want to share my love with all of you all the time, always, anytime, anywhere, so you never feel your love is lost at any point all year round.

    Monkee_Cee likes this.
  15. Slow dancing to goodbye

    Whilst the ground shook;
    marking the walls towards the ceiling,
    glass shattering, room burning, our eyes met.
    tears falling but we stood firm while swaying.
    Monkee_Cee, SleepyZ and Sashimi like this.
  16. To the world's bittersweet romances,

    I love you so much it pains me
    Not to see your face
    Not to have you with me,
    To hold you here in place

    So I force myself to hate you
    To forget your beautiful face,
    To find a love anew
    And say our love is a waste

    Yet, I find it impossible
    To say those words as mean,
    So untrue and unfeasible
    To you between a screen

    So even if our love is broken
    As you live across the sea
    I will leave you with this token,
    Happy valentine's; to you from me

    -painfully and lovingly yours anon
    iLoversYou and Monkee_Cee like this.
  17. God give us 2 legs to walk, 2 hands to hold, 2 eyes to see, 2 ears to listen, why give us only one heart? Bec the another one give it to someone and you need to find it.
  18. To iAsteRhai,

    Deep is the ocean, high is the sky
    So is my love for the apple of my eye
    Bright is the sun far far above
    But brighter is my life because of you, my love.

    I love you always. 🖤
    iLoversYou and Monkee_Cee like this.
  19. It's not really that lovely dovey but I was listening to one of my favorite songs and it struck me that not people our grateful to fall in love, ya know?😅😂
  20. A poem for my forever feline companion,

    Since the day I had first met you, seven years ago, my world has changed for the better due to the unbreakable bond we share.

    You’ve always been there for me, helping me through difficult times with your limitless cuddles and care.

    I wish you could understand how much your existence means to me, or a way we could communicate over our shared blisses.

    However, I’ll have to continue expressing my eternal love for you through pets, hugs, and an abundant amount of kisses.

    (Happy Valentine’s Day, Prim. I love you, my sweet kitty!❤️)
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