Bring back party hard ec

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HaBaek, Feb 2, 2020.

  1. Nobody but the top of the top as far as stats go benefit from this new spotlight ec. It’s unfair, and it didn’t even work for most people when it first launched. It was a failure from the get-go. Nobody I ask understands how it works, and those who do will just say don’t bother because as soon as you get a hit the spotlight is stolen by that of higher stats. Bring back the party hard ec!!! I’ve had enough of this spotlight stuff, I’m over it.
    Kyna, PR_DomiSoAnti, -BB and 4 others like this.
  2. Party Hard still exists... not all of the XCs are active all the time.
  3. Partying is easy wym
  4. What time
  5. I don't think there is any set schedule to them.

    They come and go as they please
    Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  6. I’m aware of this. They’ve been keeping spotlight as the ec for like 2 weeks now. It’s ridiculous and I’ve had it. This game is so PTW might as well quit while I’m still new
  7. Spotlight isn't constantly on either. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It was introduced like maybe a week and a half ago and it perhaps just seems to be available a lot because it was never there before. The available XCs (ECs is something entirely different) change every two hours. You can scroll over to the Upcoming category to see which ones will be next.

    There are plenty more to the game besides XCs anyway. XCs themselves are a fairly new feature, maybe like two months old?
  8. Well all I’m saying is nobody cares for this new spotlight XC because it sucks for people who don’t spend so much money on here or aren’t millions of cs yet. Ever since they first introduced it it’s been just extra credible, collecathon, or spotlight. Party XC has been wiped since then. So don’t tell me it still exists when I haven’t seen it since. 😐
  9. I swear I've seen it since but okay. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I do agree that Spotlight sucks at the moment and definitely needs some adjusting. I'm just almost positive that Party XCs are still available at times, and I'm pretty sure I have seen them. I'm sure you aren't on the app 24/7; just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. XCs are always rotating.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  10. I have not seen it otherwise I wouldn’t have made this thread. It’s frustrating bc it’s so sucky spotlight is ALWAYS on every time I’m on the app and I’m on a decent amount to grind bc I’m newer to the game. /:
    Sirrracha likes this.
  11. And I'm pretty sure I have seen it, otherwise I wouldn't have claimed it was still available. 😊
    HaBaek likes this.
  12. It’s not on enough, then. Certainly not as often as the spotlight is 😊
  13. I feel like that one is constantly on. Hopefully they will make adjustments and this is just an open beta test period.
  14. I will say it is incredibly frustrating trying to get the spotlight and honestly when I see that it’s the usual players or vip players I don’t even bother. I have to consistently watch to make sure it wasn’t taken going back and forth between pages. And all I’m really doing is wasting energy trying to collect For an avi I’ll never get.
  15. My XC not even working. I mean the game force shut down every time I click on EXs icon. And it’s up to date. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  16. Party hard or the box opening one hasn't been on since Spotlight came out. Spotlight and the Collection one rotate.
    Sirrracha, Rogue and HaBaek like this.
  17. I play the game like 16-17hrs...i haven't seen it.
    Rogue and HaBaek like this.
  18. Yes, they still appear, I just got Collectathon. I barely check XC, only noticed this because it got completed.

  19. That's... a lot of hours....
  20. Ugh I wish you could SELECT what XC u want ffs